I realize there is risk involved in jumping into a deal like this but my brother and I have been wanting to find some North MO land to hunt and decided to take the chance and try it this year. We actually both own private land in South East MO but just can’t seem to break the 150″ mark down here. As far as the lease we got in, there are 8 of us total in the group and they have 13 permanant stand locations set up on 308 acres with room for 3 or 4 more on 90 acres they just picked up this year. So even on opening morning of rifle season there will be as many empty stand locations as there will be occupied. The two brothers have been leasing from the same landowner for 13 years and it was a family deal up until this year. Story I got was a couple can’t afford it anymore, one is a teen and has interests other than hunting and a couple aren’t dependable so the two brothers decided to basically start over with new members in the group. They told all of us prospective new members that they each had their favorite locations that they have both hunted for years and they wanted to have dibs on those two stands on the days they hunted. If they didnt hunt that day, anyone could hunt there.It was sort of like they had seniority is how they presented it. I have scouted the land three times now and agree one of the spots they like looks really good but the other is just OK IMO and I actually found a couple other spots that look as good as the one I said looked really good. I’m a decent judge of character and I’m pretty sure I will be fine with the two brothers. They also seem to like and respect me so I’m not worried about getting along with them. Not to sound conceited but I know my brother and I are far more experienced hunters than any of the other guys in the group except for one of the other new guys who also seems pretty experienced. I have no doubt we can kill deer and have a good chance at some nice bucks as I saw huge trees rubbed up from last year and lots of monster tracks. One big plus is that my brother and I will be the only 2 of the group that hunt turkeys in the spring and only one other will black powder hunt deer in late December. Also, neither of the brothers bow hunt after the first week of November when rifle season opens and two of the group don’t bow hunt at all.
Here’s the deal… My brother and I could probably stake claims on areas for our primary hunting spots and the two brothers would say ok. My concern is that I don’t want to make the other new guys mad or whatever. I want everyone to have a good season and hopefully leave happy. I am looking for some suggestions as far as how something like drawing numbers to choose locations works out for you all and other possible ways to decide who goes where. Do you draw numbers daily, weekly, a few days running, for the whole season, ect? I have hunted with rifle hunting clubs before and most of them each had their “spot” the new guy that came into the group took whatever spot was open. We are supposed to have a meeting next week to discuss all this and I was just looking for ideas to take to the group. Thanks!