New Cam Pics

  • bradg
    Posts: 507

    Picked up a new Trophy Cam a short while ago and have come to the conclusion that it takes darn nice pics….Here are a few of the up and comers I’ve got running around. I last pulled cards on Friday and am really liking the time of day the bucks are starting to show up. Making appearances during shooting hours, granted that most are 1.5 YO’s but I like the change to their patterns. Some pics are from the trophy cam and some are from a stealth cam I have…Still hoping to catch a shooter on film, hope most of these guys can outsmart the neighbors for at least one or two more years!

    I am hoping to get a better shot of the one on right in the 7th pic. He has stayed right on the edge of the camera view 4 different times now, not sure if he doesn’t like something or what, I moved the cam just a bit to the left and angled it more that way since he always comes from that trail.

    Posts: 6441

    Nice pics Brad

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Looking good Brad!

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    Nice pics!

    I dont know anything about your Trophy or Steath, but are you running video on these cams? We have been running Cuddes, and 45sec vids, since I dont even recall. One of the things I’ve noticed through the years is that when you are getting pics of bucks in summer/bachelor groups; your last buck out is the most mature. Video helps because 90% of the time your mature buck doesn’t get captured in the photo. We don’t even get discouraged about our ”big one” not being on pics any more; solely based on the fact that year in and year out we get so many more sightings of them through our videos than we do still cameras. Furthermore, when you have recording of your deer, you can stop, fwd, rwd, pause, ect your video to truly assess the deer you are looking at in so many different angles. Not to mention, sometimes you capture some really awesome acts of nature, like an owl dopping down in your food plot, blue birds matting rituals, or just crowing pecking each other for feeding space……

    Posts: 507

    Good point flatlandfowler! I have those two both currently set to video. The others are still set to take pics. When I pulled the vids last, I was able to see a lot more of what you are talking about. The really cool thing about the Trophy Cam is that it only takes up to a 3 pic burst mode, BUT, you can set the “time out” to as little as 10seconds. I did try this right before I switched it to video, and got an awful lot of pics, granted most of them didn’t tell me much, but in a cpl sets where the bachelor groups came through it showed a lot. I am hoping that getting the patterns of the bucks in general figured out will tell me enuf about where the big boy will come through!

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