
  • natureboy
    Posts: 423

    beans beans the magical fruit, the more you plant the bigger you’ll shoot!

    This big dog showed up in our food plot of soy beans. i have a video of him too. He has a split G4 on his right side. Field judging him, I scored around just over 170 gross! An amazing animal, I hope to see him again someday.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 699

    What a stud! It’s so hard to throw a score at a buck in velvet, but I would think high 170’s. Either way, one heck of a buck. Keep us updated on him.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    Wow what a deer!! Hopefully you’ll get some daytime pics

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    IMO he WILL gross over 170, hes a little short on a few tines but that dont matter he has extra to make up for it!! 6×7?

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    Awesome buck! Do you have any pics of him from previous years? Pretty easy to tell with that ripped left ear.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22664

    Wow !!! The beans ain’t bad either

    Southeast, MN
    Posts: 1014

    He will gross over that I bet, great buck!!

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 1008

    WOW That is a hog

    Posts: 6443

    Posts: 864

    wow what a beast. Sleep would be tough and I would for sure be running a countdown to season opener..

    Arkansaw, Wisconsin
    Posts: 945

    You need to get some pics of him hard horned. Like someone already said, it is so hard to tell when they are in velvet.

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090


    Awesome buck! Do you have any pics of him from previous years? Pretty easy to tell with that ripped left ear.

    Kinda looks like a slug hole in his ear.

    awesome buck, let the obsession begin

    Posts: 423

    I def don’t have any pics with a whole in the ear. I do have one video of a monster ten that could possible be him, but who knows. I only have this one pic of him this year. It will take another pic of him this year for me to truly get completely jacked, otherwise I’ll always have it in the back of my mind that maybe he was just “passing through”…. Pretty unlikely in the summer when their range is ussually at their smallest, but who knows.

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