BWA Whitetail News

  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    Sorry I am a little late in posting the last quarters BWA News Letter, check out the two pics of the buck on the cover and how much his head gear grew in just two short years!

    BWA Whitetail News Winter 2010

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    Thanks for posting that!! Great read, awsome intell, my only quesstion is when will Zone 4 become the next project

    Posts: 125

    its amazing how fast they can grow in a year

    Posts: 44

    Is that the same deer?

    Posts: 125

    yes its the same deer just ALOT bigger

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Hmmm, There goes the idea that you shoot the small screwed up racks..

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22635


    Hmmm, There goes the idea that you shoot the small screwed up racks..

    I have always heard that also… but I could never understand who wouldn’t want a HUGE screwed up rack ??? We have to remember, some people could care less about the horns, they don’t eat them and by the same token, they don’t want government meddling & telling them which deer they can shoot… BTW I am all for QDM

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