New Tasco Trail Camera

  • Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3067

    Got the cabelas Game Management book last week. on the very back page there is a tasco 5.0 trail cam for 99.99.

    i was heading down to cabelas anyway, so i figured i’d take a look at one. Like most times, they didn’t have one out on display , so i went over to the archery counter and asked the guys standing there if they had any on hand. they punched a few things in the computer, sure enough, they had a bunch of them, still on the truck…. a phone call was made and one of the guys went into the truck and came back with a handful of them

    First look, about the size of the Bushnell i bought i last year, but half the price. takes 4 aa batteries, really easy to setup and a much nicer strap than the Bushnell.

    set it up in the office to see how see worked. Worked well catching people roaming the halls…. and folks coming into my cube that shouldn’t be there sent out emails with their pictures asking what they wanted….

    Just put the camera out on Sunday. I’ll report back with my findings next week.

    Hopefully it works as good as the Bushnell, for half the price.


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Thanks Jami. I saw that camera in the ad also and had my interest. I thought it looked like the Bushnell also. Let us know what you think of the pics, etc. when you check your card.

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    Bushnell is the parent company of Tasco so I am guessing cameras are made by the same company as the Bushnell’s. Congrats on the buy and looking forward to the report.

    Posts: 6443

    I saw it also didn’t like the range for night pics 30 ft (I think) and only 13 led’s ( I think ) to run the night IR

    Can’t wait to see some pics Jami

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3067

    You are correct gut, only 15 ir’s and 30 feet for night vs 32 and 45 feet. but for 100 for 15 feet…. I’ll give it a shot!

    If its junk, back to the store it goes for another bushnell! Only time will tell.


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    I was thinking you could put it on a mineral or bait site where legal or gall darn even a scrape later in the year.

    That is 2 Gal Darns today Gut!

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3067

    As promised, here are some snaps from the new tasco. Not bad at all. Had a setup glitch right out of the gate. didn’t trim one branch and put a small sd card in there that filled up right away…..

    So far happy with the purchase. More time will tell for sure.

    Posts: 6443

    Looks good thanks for the update Jami

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