Zone 3 Reg changes….

  • TheMidwestHunter
    Posts: 124

    Will it work, won’t it? I guess we’ll see.


    Media contacts: Colleen Coyne, DNR communications director, 651-259-5023; Lou Cornicelli, DNR Big Game Program coordinator, (651) 259-5198.

    DNR announces changes to southeastern
    Minnesota deer hunting seasons

    Southeastern Minnesota’s firearms early and late deer seasons will remain at nine days this fall and bucks must have at least one four-point antler in order to be legal for harvest, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced today. Deer hunters in the southeast also will no longer be allowed to tag bucks shot by other hunters.

    “These new regulations are designed to effectively manage the deer populations at goal levels and increase the proportion of mature bucks,” said Lou Cornicelli, the DNR’s big game program coordinator.

    Changes will be effective only in deer permit areas 338-349, which comprise southeastern Minnesota. Those changes include:

    · Continuing the firearms deer season at nine days for the early (3A) and late (3B) hunts.

    · Instituting an antler restrictions of four-points on one side for all hunters older than 17 during the archery, firearms and muzzleloader seasons.

    · Prohibiting hunters from tagging an antlered buck for another hunter.

    · Establishing a youth-only season from Thursday, Oct. 21, to Sunday, Oct. 24, during an extended break for most public school children during what is commonly referred to as MEA Weekend.

    For the past five years, DNR biologists have been evaluating the impact of non-traditional regulations that are designed to lower deer densities and increase the proportion of mature bucks in the population. Many of these evaluation areas were in state parks and certain deer permit areas.

    At the same time, the DNR surveyed general hunter opinions statewide, received extensive input at public meetings and online, and gathered additional input from areas with special regulations or where there was interest in regulatory change. The data show hunters generally supported regulatory changes to include a buck management component and that satisfaction would most likely increase over time.

    Legislation passed in 2009 lengthened southeastern Minnesota’s firearms deer season from seven to nine days. Cornicelli said the longer season remains in place for 2010 because it potentially increases the number of antlerless deer harvested, which helps manage deer populations.

    The new four-point antler restriction is expected to protect about 75 percent of the 1½-year-old bucks, but few bucks 2½ years and older. Consequently, the buck harvest is expected to decline in 2010, but should begin to increase again in 2011 as more and larger bucks become legal for harvest.

    The restriction also is expected to increase the number of antlerless deer harvested because a significant proportion of males will be protected and some hunters will opt to take an antlerless deer.

    After three years, the DNR will reassess these changes to determine whether they are helping meet population objectives and gauge the level of hunter support.

    Youth ages 10-17 are exempt from the antler-point restriction. Adult hunters are not allowed to tag a buck for youth hunters. Minnesota hunters have supported regulations that encourage the recruitment of young hunters. Research has shown that a positive early experience is critical to retaining young hunters.

    “Our hope is that providing youth in the southeast an opportunity for early success will encourage them to be lifelong deer hunters,” Cornicelli said.

    Elimination of cross-tagging of bucks, commonly referred to as party hunting, is not intended to break up a hunting party or force people to leave the field once they are successful. Its purpose is to help increase the number of mature bucks.

    “Southeastern Minnesota’s cross-tagging regulation only requires a person to take and tag his or her own buck,” Cornicelli said. “Hunters still can take and tag antlerless deer for others in their party.”

    Twelve deer permit areas in southeastern Minnesota and 15 deer permit areas in northwestern Minnesota will offer a special youth deer season from Oct. 21-24. The season will provide an opportunity for parents, guardians and mentors to schedule and plan a special deer hunt with youth.

    “Such hunts provide high-quality introductory experiences where the total focus of the adult is on mentoring the youth hunter and the pace of the hunt is more relaxed,” Cornicelli said.

    Youth ages 10-15 at the time of the hunt may participate and take a deer of either sex. Adults may not carry a firearm. Public land is open as is private land, provided the youth hunter has landowner permission. Participants must meet all firearms safety requirements and obtain a license for taking deer by firearm.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Interesting and you are right, only time will tell.

    Thanks for posting!

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    So much for shooting any trophy 3 x 3’s…

    I wonder how much wriggle room there is for bucks with broken tines?

    I think I like the new regs, though.

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 830

    Some guys will fight this but after a few years I think people will definately see a nice improvement in their bucks. Its about time.

    Moorhead, Minnesota
    Posts: 150

    Well it’s a start.

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    It’s a start is right I hope it all woks as planned and spreads throughout the state! Moving forward anyhow.

    Posts: 124

    I’m not really sure how they are going to enforce cross tagging bucks, but if it works to some degree then it’s good.

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 520


    I’m not really sure how they are going to enforce cross tagging bucks, but if it works to some degree then it’s good.

    It will be interesting to see how it goes. It looks like 3 years of it and then if they don’t have much success in growing bigger deer they can come up with a different idea.

    Just going to have to take a few extra seconds to double check that it is a doe and not a spike or a fork when jumping sinkholes or making drives.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Thanks for taking the time to post this here I know how busy you are with your site.

    I have been waiting to hear the results of this. I think the changes are a good thing and we will see some good results with the antler point restrictions in a couple of years. I am all for one buck for each hunter (no cross tagging) it is a step in the right direction. As for enforcing the cross tagging IMO it is no different than any other deer hunting reg, not all of them are enforceable but that is what TIP is for.

    Posts: 395

    I like the idea and hope it works. I’d love it if Wisconsin would do this. Northeast Missouri has antler point restrictions and they are becoming a nationally known big buck state.

    I like the idea of having everyone shoot their own buck, too.

    I’m sure some will complain about having to look a deer over a little more thoroughly before they shoot it, but I think a person should know exactly what they are shooting before they pull the trigger.

    Posts: 124

    I would have MUCH RATHER saw MN move the gun season back and in fact take a couple days away from the zone 3 and smoke pole gun seasons than to see APRs. But I guess the boys really don’t want to give up the rut hunt to achieve the same result. And still I ask myself why guys are still so hot and bothered about putting scopes on smoke poles.

    9 day 3A season, 5 day break, 9 day 3B season and then a 16 day smoke pole season(which overlaps 3B season). 34 out of 39 day span, deer are trying to live in the woods and guys have a gun in their hands. Talk about hunter pressure.

    Posts: 44


    I would have MUCH RATHER saw MN move the gun season back and in fact take a couple days away from the zone 3 and smoke pole gun seasons than to see APRs. But I guess the boys really don’t want to give up the rut hunt to achieve the same result. And still I ask myself why guys are still so hot and bothered about putting scopes on smoke poles.

    9 day 3A season, 5 day break, 9 day 3B season and then a 16 day smoke pole season(which overlaps 3B season). 34 out of 39 day span, deer are trying to live in the woods and guys have a gun in their hands. Talk about hunter pressure.


    Posts: 6441



    I would have MUCH RATHER saw MN move the gun season back and in fact take a couple days away from the zone 3 and smoke pole gun seasons than to see APRs. But I guess the boys really don’t want to give up the rut hunt to achieve the same result. And still I ask myself why guys are still so hot and bothered about putting scopes on smoke poles.

    9 day 3A season, 5 day break, 9 day 3B season and then a 16 day smoke pole season(which overlaps 3B season). 34 out of 39 day span, deer are trying to live in the woods and guys have a gun in their hands. Talk about hunter pressure.



    Posts: 44




    I would have MUCH RATHER saw MN move the gun season back and in fact take a couple days away from the zone 3 and smoke pole gun seasons than to see APRs. But I guess the boys really don’t want to give up the rut hunt to achieve the same result. And still I ask myself why guys are still so hot and bothered about putting scopes on smoke poles.

    9 day 3A season, 5 day break, 9 day 3B season and then a 16 day smoke pole season(which overlaps 3B season). 34 out of 39 day span, deer are trying to live in the woods and guys have a gun in their hands. Talk about hunter pressure.



    -How about the 4th of july to St. Paties day. WOULD THAT BE ENOUGH??

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