What type of hunter are you?

  • proshedhunter
    Alma, WI
    Posts: 17

    My buddies and I were talking, and we realized that we all like our bucks in different form. For example, if two bucks that scored excatly the same score were by you, which one would you shoot? The one with a 21 inch spread and 8 inch tines, or the one with a 15 inch spread and 13 inch tines. I am just curious to see what people like. Your opinions are wanted!!!

    Posts: 9147

    I like nice tall tines. I passed up one this year that was out past the ears by a couple inches but had no height.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22372

    Ideally, the one inbetween the 2 you described I guess when it comes down to it… I like W I D E

    Posts: 1007

    The ones with lots of mass to the rack, kind of like the girls I like……..

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 412

    Lots of mass and tall tines

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 23

    i like the ones with lots of mass also, and nice tall tines

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    Mass, tall tines and dark chocolate horns!

    22 feet up
    Posts: 632

    Which one is older? I like em’ old. If they were the same age I’d have to go with the taller tined buck. I’ll take a 100″ 4 y.o. over a 150″ 3 y.o.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    I would take a nice wide deer over a short spread that scores higher every day of the week. Super white rack or super dark!

    cool topic

    Ham Lake ,MN
    Posts: 303


    Which one is older? I like em’ old. If they were the same age I’d have to go with the taller tined buck. I’ll take a 100″ 4 y.o. over a 150″ 3 y.o.

    shoot the older one for sure I look for a 4 1/2 year old buck or older dosent matter what the score is if he is younger than 4 1/2 he walks.
    if they are the same age and over 4 1/2 I would shoot the tall tined one

    Posts: 45

    Personally I myself would take a taller deer over a wider deer any day of the week. A taller deer seems to me that it would score better than a wider deer. Don’t get me wrong i like a wide deer as well but if i have to make a split second decision i would take the taller of the two.

    Posts: 5

    For myself, if the deer is not both wide and tall I do not believe it deserves to be shot.

    Posts: 1493


    For myself, if the deer is not both wide and tall I do not believe it deserves to be shot.

    But if it is then it deserves it…

    durand WI
    Posts: 317

    The one gives me a shot first. I hunt in really good areas and around a lot of good hunters and when people tell me that they are passing on 150 inch deer either they are miss judging them or they have a good wall full of them.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Myself, typically I like tall long tines over a wide rack. However, that is why I like deer they are each unique and different. Which one I shoot may depend on my history and age of the deer. I love to shoot any deer but when you have a history with a deer it makes it that much more special and rewarding IMO.

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    Love the mass when it comes to deer. I would shoot the one with the most mass or if one had something unique about it. I like NT racks more than typicals unless it has just crazy mass.

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    with the (2) deer scoring the same as described i would shoot the one that looks more impressive. It would probably have to do w/ the attitude of the deer and the way it acted compared to the other. I would love to have both but if i had to choose…. i’m going Wide because the widest deer on my wall is only 17 5/8″

    Linwood, MN
    Posts: 120

    I like ’em tall.. dark.. and handsome….. Wait thats not right I think I have this wrong……

    If he is mature and offers me a shot.. it’s time. I don’t care which one because i’ll get the other one next year

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 270

    I like em tall myself. It is easier to notice his tine length than his inside spread…unless you just got busted.

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