Last Chance for Romance!

  • #201281

    Looks like this afternoon will be my last shot at Mr. big for the year. Hoping that this poor weather we have had the last few days will put the deer on their feet and give me a chance at sticking a piggy.

    I’ve been very selective the last couple of years and have passed up some nice bucks, but unfortunately I can’t seem to get myself in range with anything over 140″. (Public land with lots of pressure has the effect) Hoping tonight will end the drought!!!

    Good luck to everyone else who’s gonna head out tonite. Should be a good one.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    that storm didn’t seem to help movement at all I hunted xmas eve eve night, xmas eve morning, and xmas morning and didnt see anything Tonight should be the ticket since its the end of the storm and the temps are dropping

    SSP, MN
    Posts: 234

    Went out tonight and saw 12 does all about 200 yards down the bean field. They came out for a snack for about 10 minutes and went right back in. The field did not show much sign of fresh use today so I’m hoping they will be out of their holes tommorow. The walk up the bluff was horrible with a 1/4″ of crusted snow on top and 12″ of powder beneath it. Noise will definetely be an issue getting in tommorow for the last ditch effort before I grill my tag again this year.

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