Well as my wife Holly was out hunting hard I was with our son, but after a week up north hunting and no meat hanging I had a chance to harvest a doe at our home but what came after is nothing that I could’ve expected.
When I shot, my son came up to me and said Daddy did you get a deer? I said yes would you like to go see it? He jumped at the chance. So I got Hunter dressed up in orange and with Mom who came in after I shot we all headed down to the deer.
I was really pumped up with my family with me, I was not ready for all the questions from Hunter our 3 year old. It was a real learing curve for all of Us
Now I can let Holly go after her own with out the preasure of Dad having to stay home with out a deer, Good Luck Holly.
December 4, 2009 at 4:51 am