I can honestly say this was one of my most successful seasons so far and I have not downed a single deer to show for it. Watching my wife take her first 3 deer of her life (2 with a bow and 1 with a gun), not to mention all the hunts we shared together, watching her miss on her encounter with a Coyote and catching it on film, spending another year in Deer Rifle Camp on our Property up North with my Dad, the sits in Buffalo County passing on many, many, 2.5-3.5 year old 4×4’s, passing on a shooter 5×5 @ 22 and then 36 yards, gaining new hunting camp buddies in Ricco, Craig & Dean, having the best hunt of my life in SD and seeing a ton of deer with some shooters, learning a few different properties and everything else. Not to mention my 2nd Favorite time of year to hunt is on the door step with the late season.
Frustrating ?? Yes, but still successful!