Is it to late to bother

  • zmax54636
    Posts: 48

    Hey everyone I am wondering if I should really even bother going out bow hunting after gun season… should I wait a few weeks is it worth it. I have never went after gun season but was thinking about it this year but dont really no what to do or what to look for? should i go back to food source? continue to hunt like I did during the rut?.. any help would be great

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    It is never too late you can not tag a deer sitting at home on the couch, late season you will want to go back to hunting the food source’s.

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374

    It’s never too late . Get in a tree and some deer

    I know around here they are in the darn corn and not coming out till dark But I will hunt my same spots that I gun hunt and the colder it gets I will hit the food source hard ( food plots ) Standing beans/corn . Anything picked and not tilled under they will hit also !

    Posts: 6

    get between the beding area and the feeding area. we really need some nasty weather and some snow to make the late season good. but anytime is better than sitting home thinking about it.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Late season spot and stalk in the corn can be very rewarding also. The nastier the day, the better.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    YEP, get out there. I took my deer last year the day after Thanksgiving

    Posts: 559

    Get to the woods.I’ve arrowed alot of bucks in Nov-Dec. The woods are alot quieter and deer are more at ease. Find dense cover with alot of browse near a food sourse.Get between the two. Be sneaky these critters have been chased for months now and don’t make many mistakes! alot of the unbred yearling does should go into heat in about 2 weeks.This sometimes can be a better time for the big boys than the november rut when theres a ton of people out there. Good luck!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I also arrowed my first buck in December and he was on the trail of a doe 40 yrds ahead of him. They look to breed until they drop their antlers and like said above they breed all the fawns that come in early until spring.

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    This is the best time! Tracking snow on the ground, nobody in the woods, food sources are becoming limited concentrating deer and what I like best of all is that late rut that was mentioned before. Almost like the bucks get extra stupid for that one. Something about the young ones coming into cycle really gets em going…guess I could understand that, if a young twenty something gal gave me a wink I would most likely follow her across county lines or ignorantly run out in traffic also.

    (god I hope the girlfriend doesn’t read this )

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    Something about the young ones coming into cycle really gets em going…guess I could understand that, if a young twenty something gal gave me a wink I would most likely follow her across county lines or ignorantly run out in traffic also.

    My buddy and I were just laughing about this the other day. He says, “how far did you drive in college for a fair maiden(or something like that)?” Great point, and these guys only get the opportunity once a year.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Not to mention that team #13 needs some more points!!!


    Posts: 559



    Something about the young ones coming into cycle really gets em going…guess I could understand that, if a young twenty something gal gave me a wink I would most likely follow her across county lines or ignorantly run out in traffic also.

    My buddy and I were just laughing about this the other day. He says, “how far did you drive in college for a fair maiden(or something like that)?” Great point, and these guys only get the opportunity once a year.

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