Horn mounting – Getting hair off

  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12569

    After 30+ years of not keeping any of the racks from the bucks that I’ve shot ( Not all that many or that Big )I’ve decided to start mounting the racks from my bucks going forward. I’ve got a 8Pt from last season as well as 2 8Pt’s from this season. It looks like I should be able to just pull off or cut off the hair and hide from this seasons deer. However after looking at the one from last season it appears like it may be a much tougher job. Does anyone here mount your own horns? If so can you give me a idea of how to go about getting the hair/hide off. Thanks in advance for the Help.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’ve never done this either, but the guys who get European mounts get them sent somewhere the beetles eat the flesh/meat to clean the skulls. I’m assuming a year later, this may not be an option….

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Possibly boiling the skull in hot water!? This will stink like crazy but it just may work. (Best do it outside and do not use the wifes good kettle!)

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051


    Possibly boiling the skull in hot water!? This will stink like crazy but it just may work. (Best do it outside and do not use the wifes good kettle!)

    Yep.Boil and scrape. A wire brush comes in handy too.

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    Fillet knife and a pliers.

    Posts: 6

    myself for a skull/ horn mount. i just dig a hole and put it in and fill the hole with dirt and dig it back up next july/august and let the bugs eat everything off. works really well.

    Posts: 6441


    myself for a skull/ horn mount. i just dig a hole and put it in and fill the hole with dirt and dig it back up next july/august and let the bugs eat everything off. works really well.

    how do you keep the tree rats from gnawing on the horns ???

    Posts: 1137



    myself for a skull/ horn mount. i just dig a hole and put it in and fill the hole with dirt and dig it back up next july/august and let the bugs eat everything off. works really well.

    how do you keep the tree rats from gnawing on the horns ???

    Same question here ?? I wonder if you could put borax on them to dry it, maybe it will peel easier

    Posts: 6

    you cover the rack also then flag it so you can find it.

    Posts: 6441


    you cover the rack also then flag it so you can find it.

    jeff korsmo
    Cresco, Ia
    Posts: 99

    wrapping the antlers in a heavy layer of aluminum foil also works wll if you bury them in the ground to keep the rodents at bay. After a couple of months in the ground some minor hosing off is all that it takes to clean it up. Or if you have the area to do it and a strong stomach a 5 gallon pail of water works wonders also for a euro mount. The problem with the water is that you have to change it out every couple of weeks and the stench is not good. Quickest way though is to make sure to cut all of the hide off of it first. Very easy to do it yourself.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    A channel-lock pliers works great for grabbing and prying!

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 1007

    Take the older horns and put the scalp in a pail of water a few days and that will soften the hide to cut off. Not quite as easy as fresh but easier the aged hide

    Eau Claire,Wisconsin
    Posts: 19

    All you need to do is take your time sit down and skin the skull. Remove all the meat and boil it. Then hit it with the pressure washer. Boil again with bleach and peroxide. you will end up with a very nice euro monnt.. Hint dont boil for to long or the teeth will start to fall out..

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    If you are reffering to racks that you have just cut off and plan on using one of the ‘plaque and felt cap’ deals; what we used to do is let them sit for a few months to dry (just like your last years racks) and then take a dremel with one of the grinder bits and just grind the hair/dried scalp off. Im guessing there is a multitude of small grinder tools you could use for this. It works really slick and goes very quick with minimal mess and smell (probly 10 mins tops per rack).

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