Its opening morning…

  • chippee
    sw wi
    Posts: 488

    and you are hunting in an eab zone and do not have a buck tag yet, you drop a doe at first light so now do you hike out and tag and dress the deer and haul it out of the woods(missing some prime daylight time and disturbing the woods) or leave her lay and keep hunting

    Posts: 6441

    CWD are under EAB restrictions I see it now

    leave her lay and keep hunting

    Posts: 2389

    I agree to a point.

    Here are the regs so it clears up the grey area for you…

    “Antlerless deer must be harvested and tagged before a buck to make the buck legal.”

    So, yes, you should get down and tag it, but there would be no reason to gut or drag it out if you didn’t want to.

    The rule makes sense since you need to confirm that the doe is actually down and recoverable before you can shoot the buck. It would suck to have the doe run off the property, shoot a buck, then be SOL with an illegal buck and no doe.

    edit – if she falls within sight and is obviously dead, I’m sure it would be awefully tempting to just leave it lay and keep hunting. On the off chance that a DNR officer happens to be watching, though, they may dispute the legality of any harvested buck if the doe isn’t tagged first, even though it might seem like a trivial point. I’d wouldn’t take the chance and tag it first.

    Posts: 6441

    good points whitts

    chippee then shoot another one so you have a sticker for next year

    Posts: 2389

    And LOTS of meat in the freezer!!

    sw wi
    Posts: 488

    kind of along the same lines I was thinking, tag it with as little commotion as possible and keep hunting I sure wish this eab would go away

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Crank the bow down to 30 lbs.. attach the tag to the arrow… should be good…

    Just kidding… Good Luck, sounds like you have a plan

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Chippee, depending on the weather you may want to field dress her also before resuming your hunt! You wouldn’t want the meat to spoil if the temp is high!

    Glen Ellyn, IL
    Posts: 550

    When do temps become a real problem with that? I have heard anything from low 50s-60’s for temps in Southern WI for the opener. I had even thought of getting some trash bags to fil with ice and place in the cavity til I can process deer Sunday night, is that needed?

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    I’m no expert by any means, but if the temp isn’t at freezing or lower, we tend to take care of it right away. We do pack them with ice if we don’t plan on getting to them right away. But the warmer the weather the quicker we clean them….sometimes same day as kill! But everyone has there own way of doing it!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I believe in getting the guts out as quick as possible. If able, pack with snow. Then remove hide the day of kill. Hang overnight and butcher the next day. Keep meat on ice or freeze until processing.

    I’ve never worried about a gut pile affecting deer. Case and point, two weeks ago. Gut pile was 60 yards from our blind. Numerous deer came by(8 hours later), said their good byes to the old gal and moved on within easy bow range of the blind. We actually had one old doe stop her route, follow the blood trail to the pile. Then turn and head back to her original direction. Crazy deer!!

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