He almost made it

  • fireman1217
    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 214

    There…that should help.

    Here is a video of a buck that I took with my camera off my deer stand opening morning. He’s dead now….

    Disregard the lame attempt at “grunting” at the end of the video….I was just seeing if I could get him to stop.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    If I was practicing QDM I would have let him slide.
    This weekend would not be a good time for one like that to walk near me.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    I hear ya fireman, get’s frustrating for sure. However, it’s interesting bear in mind Wayne Gretzky’s greatest quote:

    “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”

    The reverse of that is true with deer, in that 100% of the small bucks you kill will never make it to next year.


    Posts: 539

    We run into it a lot. It’s usually the older guys that have a brown=down mentality. If you talk to them often, maybe show them deer that seem to end up on here. Show them what a big 10 actually looks like. QDM works IF deer like that are allowed to live.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    My buddys and I run into guys like you a lot too. You do it your way and we’ll do it ours.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940


    My buddys and I run into guys like you a lot too. You do it your way and we’ll do it ours.

    I wanted to correct my statement without editing orginal.
    We dont actually run into trophy hunters that much since they are the overwhelmingly vast minority of hunters represented in the Midwest.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Frustrating but everyone has their right to harvest legal deer.

    I let two pass last year that were both bigger than that one. I’m hoping for another encounter with either again this year.


    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 214

    Rooster and Suzuki…I didn’t post this to cause any controversy. I was posting because I thought it was a cool video of a deer. Yes, we’d like to do QDM, but also realize we are in the minority. I wasn’t “mad” nor am I holding it against him or anything like that. He’s a great guy and is truely hunting for the meat which I totally get….Would I have liked him to shoot the “doe that was just as big running with him” instead of the buck? Sure I would have, but I understand it’s his choice. We’ll keep letting the small bucks go, the neighbors can keep shooting them if they so chose, eventually it will pay off.

    Now I’ve figured out why I don’t post on here that much.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136


    Thanks for the clarity in your post, as I think many who practice QDM feel this way. I know I do.


    In various posts, you’ve made it clear that you’d be happy to shoot any buck that comes your way. I don’t have a problem with that. I’m wondering however if you have a problem with QDM or other hunters practicing it? There seems to be a bit of disdain and definance in your posts regarding the topic. Perhaps I’m simply reading into it too much.



    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Mike is just generally unpleasant to be around.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940



    Thanks for the clarity in your post, as I think many who practice QDM feel this way. I know I do.


    In various posts, you’ve made it clear that you’d be happy to shoot any buck that comes your way. I don’t have a problem with that. I’m wondering however if you have a problem with QDM or other hunters practicing it? There seems to be a bit of disdain and definance in your posts regarding the topic. Perhaps I’m simply reading into it too much.



    Of course I dont have a problem with QDM and I dont preach against it. My disdain is when trophy hunters look down their noses at others and exclaim “them” as being in the wrong. I always used to look up to trophy hunters. I really did. I thought it was cool. A little above and beyond. When I see or feel trophy hunters blaming me for their lack of success, I get irritated and since this site is not dedicated to trophy deer then I will speak my peace.

    I’m pretty sure I’m in the minority on THIS SITE and my opinion will not be popular but I have to throw it out there.

    Kooty- nevermind.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 214

    Where did I say I blamed him for the lack of my success, which you have no clue on, or him being in the wrong for shooting it. I made a factual statement that it WOULD have been bigger if it was not shot. Talk about reading into things….sheesh

    This is not at all where I intended this to go…I edited the wording of the original post. Everyone should be happy now.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Here is what we do in our group and it is working for us, we do not set a minimum score on a buck for the guys hunting in our party we simply ask that you only take a buck if you are going to put it on the wall and shoot does for meat. What might not be a wall mounter to me might one be to someone else. I know this will not work for everyone but I thought I would through it out there for food for thought.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 214

    I guess it won’t end?? Actually, do you know the guy? Did you talk to him? Just an FYI, I did and was happy for him. It really wasn’t that big of a deal to him, he said “just another deer”. He really didn’t care what size it was, he hunts for the meat. We talked about QDM and stuff like that and after explaining how it works, he actually said “That makes total sense”. Sounds like another “Bad guy” is on board. I’ll pass along your congratulations to him as well though!!

    The above was response to Rooster….Steve, we do the same thing in our group.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 214

    hahaha, too funny.

    Thanks Rooster…much appreciated. Same goes to you as well. FF

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    If I had more time to deer hunt and property I would lean towards letting some grow horns too but I only do it for a few days each year, I love to harvest deer and venision is super special in my household and circle of friends. I butcher my own and get all the hides tanned. I dont shoot fawns (personal choice) but anything else is prized for the meat and I dont get one every year.

    Despite what Kooty says I’m generaly not unpleasant to be around in person. Online…it just seems that way.

    Also the video was cool. It got my blood pumping.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Fireman1217: What type of camera did you use? When I hung my stands about 1 month ago, I mounted a camera arm near the main one. I don’t have a fancy – made for TV shows – type camera. Just the average one you’d see a guy filming his kids playing basketball with. Handheld, barely bigger than my hand. It does have a screw to mount to camera arm. I’m in thick woods and won’t be shooting beyond 50 yards, if that.

    Think I’ll be ok?



    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 214


    Fireman1217: What type of camera did you use? When I hung my stands about 1 month ago, I mounted a camera arm near the main one. I don’t have a fancy – made for TV shows – type camera. Just the average one you’d see a guy filming his kids playing basketball with. Handheld, barely bigger than my hand. It does have a screw to mount to camera arm. I’m in thick woods and won’t be shooting beyond 50 yards, if that.

    Think I’ll be ok?



    Eric, I’m far from the right one to ask… I just take my little digital camera out with me and flip it to video mode. Nothing fancy. The video is terrible on TV, but on the camera it’s ok….it was ok on the photo bucket as well, but if it gets any bigger it’s not good. You sound like you have a much better set up than I. It’s a Nikon Coolpix….but it fits in my pocket!!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    If I had more time to deer hunt and property I would lean towards letting some grow horns too but I only do it for a few days each year, I love to harvest deer and venision is super special in my household and circle of friends. I butcher my own and get all the hides tanned. I dont shoot fawns (personal choice) but anything else is prized for the meat and I dont get one every year.

    Posts: 1960

    I hunt in an area that can hurt the deer herd in short order. Last winter was tough on our herd. Wolves plus snow = lots of mortality. We have 1 doe permit for 6 people – and have not had a chance yet to fill it. To pass up a young buck would be to pass up the chance to get ANYTHING. I have sat 30 hours so far (about the same as everyone else in our party) without seeing a deer. Grand total for us so far is 1 spike(it was the only deer spotted).

    QDM does not work everywhere. Public land where everything gets mowed down coupled with wolves/harsh winters makes for a lost cause at QDM.


    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Thank your fireman1217 for posting your video. I highly encourage you to continue to post more on this site because members and guests truly enjoy looking at various buck encounters.

    I’ve said it before on here and I will say it again. We all hunt for different reasons and none is more important than another. We must unite and appreciate one another as hunters and we would all be better off focusing our time and attention on groups that are against our hunting rights.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337


    I’ve said it before on here and I will say it again. We all hunt for different reasons and none is more important than another. We must unite and appreciate one another as hunters and we would all be better off focusing our time and attention on groups that are against our hunting rights.

    Well said Brad…we as hunters have more important things to be concerned about!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Congrats Fireman! Awesome video. I also used to use my digital camera to take videos of deer. It is easy to use, small & portable and takes decent movies. Please continue to take videos and share them here at IDO. I also found youtube a little nicer to download too. Also youtube is friendlier when you want to post it on the site.

    Eric, That set up should work just fine. Does your camera have a hard drive or tapes? If you are looking to get it on the computer I have found a hard drive is a little easier. Also HD is a lot harder to download, you need to convert it a few times and is not very fun, right Brad.

    Eric or anyone that may have some questions on filming hunts feel free to PM me as I’m far from an expert but have been doing it the last few years and have a pretty decent set up now and have tried quite a lot of different set ups in the past.
    I’m thinking we need a new forum.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    The camera is a small Sony that uses a mini-CD. I can get about 1/2 hour of footage per CD. I’m planning to have several of them with me. I’m hoping the first deer that come through is not a shooter so I can “practice”.

    The camera mount I have is very similar to the one in the pic. It is camoflauged, has an extension arm, and will extend from the tree behind me so that it will sit right next to me in the stand.

    I have to make sure my camera doesn’t make any noise or beep if the battery is getting low or the disc is filling up.

    Otherwise, I’m looking forward to using the camera in the woods.


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Looks like a good set up Eric.

    Be careful, it is very, VERY addicting.

    The best advice I can give is make sure the camera arm is level. If the arm did not come with a bubble, glue one on! I have been down that path. Not leveling your camera arm can lead to missed deer and headaches. As you know the deer never come where you think they should so if you can not freely rotate your camera and let go of it without it moving, it will only mean headaches.

    The camera I used last year was a Hard Drive which can hold ooodles of footage (many Hours). I suggest anyone looking at doing this buy a camera with a Hard Drive. Also they are a lot easier to download to the Computer through a USB cord.The camera Brad and I are using this year is a Tape model and holds 60 minutes of footage. We both have burned through are fair share of tapes this Fall. Editing them and down loading them this Winter will be a full time Job.

    You will first find that you tape just about anything and that is good, to learn things about filming and the camera. One thing that is different about filming in woods compared to other places is you must find your manual focus and how to use it. Good Luck filming and hunting this weekend Eric!

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