your thoughts on public hunting spots?

  • scott3137
    Posts: 4

    Hello everyone I’ve watched this site for a while reading post looking at pics now I would like to know what some of you think about keeping your same spot year after year on public hunting land. I’ve rifle hunted in the brainerd area for 22 years camped in the same spot every year hunted within 50 yards of my permanent stand for at least twelve years. about five years ago my stand was clear cut the next year I had a guy on the other side of the cut about 200 yards away kind of a bummer but not the end of the world two years ago there was a hunter inbetween me and the other hunter last year I was alone. I never go up to scout I use the same tree every year opening morning may move 20 -30 yards after that this year got up there on friday went out to put my climber in the tree and there was a ladder stand 20 yards from my tree I thought it was from the other group that camps near us every year so I went to talk to them I said that I have hunted there for a long time and thought they knew I did told them that I would be hunting there in the morning he told me I was being unsportsmanlike since ther stand was already up I said you see me there every year and i use a portable that I do not leave in the woods for two weeks he then proceeded to tell me that if I hunt there the guys son would be out making noise to ruin my hunt I told him my name and said if the son wants to talk come to my camp he showed up later and said his dad had diabetes and couldn’t walk very well so that was the only spot they could put him in because he could drive the four wheeler right up to his stand and told me I should move to the other side so we could cover all of the clear cut I said move him I’m not moving then he threatend to cut my tree down I told go for it and walked away from his truck my brother said he’ll just sit in the one next to it I don’t think he liked that comment he said good luck finding a tree and sped off. in the morning got to my tree sitting and quiet at 5:50 other stand is empty getting light and thought maybe they backed down 6:20 hear a four wheeler start at their camp (can see their camper from my stand since there are no trees) saw it go down the road heard it coming up behind me drove it within 75yards of my stand could not see it over the hill parked it and climbed up his stand it was the same guy that was inbetween me and the other guy I mentioned earlier never said a word had a doe and 2 fawns try to come in but I think they were spooked by the fourwheeler neither of us got a shot off then at 11:30 he shot a fawn got down gutted it out hauled it away no words spoken from either of us did’nt see him the rest of the weekend or monday morning hope you guys can understand the rambling. what do you think? was I in the right or wrong by sitting there even though he had a stand up?

    Posts: 23

    That is a tough call. I hunt in MI and one year we went to the U.P. We had our spots picked out a month in advance and our areas were prepared and baited this is when it was legal to bait. I do not usually bait but in th U.P. the deer are few and far between and it is a good tactic up there. Any ways we showed up two days before the gun opener to bow hunt. While we were in camp a guy showed up on his four wheeler with our bait and dumped it on the ground. He told us he has been hunting on that side of the road for over 15 yrs and we should stay on our side. Now when I say side I am talking several hundred acres. He said our spot was 500 yds from his camper and where his wife was hunting and he did not want us there. We did not push the issue with him and moved out but we definitely had the right to stay there. Your situation was different and those people were definitely rude, but it is public property and they were there “first” sort of. It was not right of them to do that, especially if they knew you hunted there. If it was me I probably would have moved just because I would not be able to be that close to someone.

    Posts: 592

    A public hunting area is meant for all, not just the guy who staked out a spot and left his stand up. (Which is illegal I think?) There are many good locations where I hunt and I would guess there are stands on about 75% of them. I think the only common sense thing to do is allow portables in and out to eliminate this MY spot BS that people try to impose on everyone else. I also had an area back in the day that rarely seen another hunter other than my group until one opener as I sat in my stand just before first light I see 6-8 guys walking down the trail right at me, they walked on by set up about 50 yards apart and were talking and walking around within the first hour! Needless to say it was never the same. At the end of the day everyone needs to get along an share the areas, it’s just tough sometimes when you’re dealing with jerks.

    Plum City WI
    Posts: 69

    Welcome to the site.

    I think you were probably in the right. Also I think hunters should respect one another. I don’t know how much pressure is around you guys but I wouldn’t like to hunt where I could see another hunter that I didn’t know.

    Good luck

    Central MN
    Posts: 2853

    Tough call but I know one thing forsure. I’ve put up with enough frustrating situations on private land that I would never step foot on public hunting grounds. Sorry your hunt had to go this way. I’m sure your glad he filled his tag promptly though.

    Posts: 1960

    We hunt all public land – and personally, I prefer it when people use permanent stands. When I am scouting a new area – I don’t want to scout and find a spot only to get there in the morning and find a guy in a portable. The presence of a permanent stand tells me that somebody is already there…..and that is a good thing, because it does not let their presence ruin my hunt – and vice versa……

    But – if somebody moves into “our” area, we WILL inform them exactly what the scenario is. There is plenty of public land to hunt and no need for people to sit on top of each other to get a good hunt in. The only problems we have ran into were from the dreaded “612’rs” that show up for the occasional weekend……



    well i hunt public land sometimes and i avoid confrontation
    it’s just not worth some x-postal worker shooting you in the back as you walk away. find a new spot and move on.

    BTW it is illegal to leave stands overnight on state land, unless they are for BEAR.

    This person threatened you etc, etc. I would call TIP or the sheriff and just have law enforcement resolve the issue if you must confront them.

    Posts: 592

    I have to say there are a TON of rude jerks not living in the 612 area code. I by the way do not live in the 612.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4145

    It’s public land so neither of you are right. The fact that you’ve hunted there for 20 plus years makes it hard to imagine moving but has no bearing on your right vs. theirs.

    Unless you think they’re pulling your leg on the diabetes thing, I’d move. Go talk with them, put a plan together for you all to cover the area without being on top of one another, and work together.

    Heck, you might just make some new friends.


    Posts: 329

    Way to stand your ground. I hunt in the park rapids area. Have been for 9 years now for the last 5 years I have had 2 brothers come in with their UTV and cut about 50-100 trees down and make a trail within 50 yards of my permanent stand and cut off both of the funnels going to my stand. Three years ago I bought a 2 man ladder stand and moved east of these 2 clowns and this season no 2 clowns
    In past seasons I have been threatened and harrassed by these 2 guys. I also bow hunt this area so my stand is usualy in by mid August and this area is not a large piece of public land it is 80 acres and the 5 of us and our neighbor are the only ones who hunt it.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 317

    State land is public land. You can not leave a stand in a tree over night. If you do, you are breaking the law. If you try to hunt a spot you like and someone is there, you bite your lip and move on, being courteous to that hunter. No one person owns any parcel of state land. I don’t care if you have hunted a particular area for a million years in a row. State land is open to every tax paying citizen in the world. That said, I don’t hunt state land, because I have encountered the same crap you are talking about. You can’t fix stupid.

    Posts: 4

    thank you for your thoughts guys it will be a tough decision next year if they are back that has been a good spot for me. permanent stands are illegal in crow wing county so we can not use that to let other hunters know that there is someone in the area. I did think it was legal to put up portables two weeks before season guess I never read that just thought that was right. hopefully it will be resolved next year will go up early to scout and maybe they will be around to talk to. the area is being clear cut all over 5 people in our camp have lost stands to clearing trees and over 300 acres has been leased by a local club making the area smaller for the same amount of hunters. it is really frustrating this year I was not expecting that. we do need to all get along though somehow. thanks again

    Posts: 539


    thank you for your thoughts guys it will be a tough decision next year if they are back that has been a good spot for me. permanent stands are illegal in crow wing county so we can not use that to let other hunters know that there is someone in the area. I did think it was legal to put up portables two weeks before season guess I never read that just thought that was right. hopefully it will be resolved next year will go up early to scout and maybe they will be around to talk to. the area is being clear cut all over 5 people in our camp have lost stands to clearing trees and over 300 acres has been leased by a local club making the area smaller for the same amount of hunters. it is really frustrating this year I was not expecting that. we do need to all get along though somehow. thanks again

    Scott, not sure what kind of shape you are in. I’ve been hunting public land most my life. Here’s what I’ve found. Majority of hunters I’ve ran into are lazy as hell (I’m sure IDOers don’t count). Where we hunt, it seems a 400 yard walk off the trail/road will eliminate most if not all hunters. I’ve found most guys will not go any farther than their wheelers will carry them (or at least where the walking is easy).

    My one buddy is only 200 yards off the road, however he’s on top of a nasty little hill that’s a b**ch to climb. He kills a number of deer every year as all the lazy hunters walk and hunt the trails all around the hill. Of course all the deer run up top and my buddy is waiting. I do the same, 400 yards off the road. However I have to walk through a nasty elder swamp to get there. You can hear wheelers, trucks, and guys walking all the time. However all that commotion seems to push deer right to me as nobody is willing to enter that swamp.

    Those are our close spots. We’ve got a couple that are anywhere from 880 yards to 1960 yards off the trail. Getting back into the woods is key to hunting public. I suggest you find the nastiest/ugliest hole you can and go for a walk. You’ll probably be rewarded for your effort. The down side, it’ usually a pain to drag a deer out of your spot. Don’t be afraid to carry a pack frame and pack out your deer. We’ve done that alot as well.

    Posts: 1493

    PUBLIC land is first come first serve. So plain and simple… you were in the wrong!!! This is why I refuse to hunt public land. The guy may have been a Dhead, but was well within his rights.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    I don’t think he was in the wrong, nor was the other guy who hunted next to him. If just makes for an uncomfortable experience. I hunt private land opening weekend and that can be frustrating also, neighbors you know sitting on our fence line cutting off one of my two good runs…

    I also hunt northern WI public forest the rest of the time. Ruger’s suggestions are great one’s, get a good topo and go check some other stuff out. You might just find something better, you can always check out your ace-in-the-hole, during your hunts. Now I got to get some permanent stands cleaned off the public land I hunt…


    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13320

    After reading his post a second time I dont think he was wrong either. What seems to be wrong is the other party putting up stands before the season and the other party asking him to not hunt that area. Neither one of these can you do.

    Tough situation and most likely one where there was not going to be a outcome that both sides where completely happy with.

    Moorhead, Minnesota
    Posts: 150

    Hey Guys,
    I’ve hunted public land before and still do. It’s just I won’t hunt public land during gun season because it’s a
    zoo. I will continue too bowhunt public land because there
    isn’t alot of hunters out there yet.

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