14 year old

  • benjisdad
    Newton, Iowa
    Posts: 39


    sorry! i guess i just don’t see the yelling emotion with caps. is that why everyone is soooo rude?

    Hey norseman,
    I thought your first responce was appropriate and well thought out.. it showed how much you care for this sport and how much you put in to it.. so I wanted to thank you for that repsonce and for not lashing back… a human reaction usually…

    Caps lock in the “computer” age is comonly known as a means of yelling, so as was stated previously it can be misunderstood. I think you can understand that… ..

    I hope this young hunter continues to go after it.. I am new to this sport of achery and hunting deer. I’m going out Sunday for my first try.. so be it 14 or 47.. I think the first deer will be the scariest… and if successful one that will always be remembered. I hope that he gets his deer.. and can’t wait to hear the story and see the pics.. Good luck young man!..

    Pillager, MN
    Posts: 621

    It’s always a bad feeling to not find an animal that you’ve hit. All you can do is put in your best effort to located it and if you come up empty then there’s not much else you can do. I’m sure alot of the people have gone through the same thing. You never want it to happen but sometimes it does. Hopefully you can get a slug in him.

    Posts: 559

    i still remember my first deer in 1967. it was small but i was sooo exited! it will probably allways be the most memorable. you’ll love the sport. seeing all the different wildlife under conditions most people wouldn’t leave their homes. the things you’ll learn will help ya understand how and why nature works.killing things will become secondary to the whole experiance!!!

    Posts: 19

    I agree about the killing being secondary. I think i covered about 120 acres today looking and found zip. He’s planning to get back in the stand tomorrow and stay a little more focused. Sorry about the dead end story guys, but there will be a next time i’m sure.

    Posts: 559

    looking forward to it! i hope to have a story of my own after this weekend. i’m taking my 13+14 year old granddaughters this weekend. i’ve been seeing some really nice bucks while bowhunting so…..?

    Newton, Iowa
    Posts: 39

    netman and norseman…good luck to you both and to the kids!!.. can’t wait to get my son out there soon… I’m hoping to have success as well this Sunday.. whether I get one or not, I’m looking forward to the experience..

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