So after tonight’s sit in the wind driven rain the total deer seen for me is 29 deer in the last 4 outings. Out of the 29 deer 6 have been bucks – 3 of those being different for sure, the other three could be repeats, but I am not positive. I have a severe case of the “should have sat here last night” and it’s getting frustrating . The deer are hitting the beans hard and have no problem rushing headlong into the field from every direction but the one I want them to, or where they should be. Tonight we had a nice 8 pt walk right down the center of the field toward us on mission. The wind was at his back but there was something he just had to see. He veered off toward my buddy and would not stop for anything, offering only a quick shot opportunity while walking with a purpose, grunts, bleats, whistles, nothing was stopping this deer. 30 yard broadside shot for my buddy while the deer stood for a brief second and he shot low! It was a painful walk back down the bluffs in Red Wing tonight.
October 31, 2009 at 3:37 am