This is getting rediculous!

  • huntfish42
    SSP, MN
    Posts: 234

    So after tonight’s sit in the wind driven rain the total deer seen for me is 29 deer in the last 4 outings. Out of the 29 deer 6 have been bucks – 3 of those being different for sure, the other three could be repeats, but I am not positive. I have a severe case of the “should have sat here last night” and it’s getting frustrating . The deer are hitting the beans hard and have no problem rushing headlong into the field from every direction but the one I want them to, or where they should be. Tonight we had a nice 8 pt walk right down the center of the field toward us on mission. The wind was at his back but there was something he just had to see. He veered off toward my buddy and would not stop for anything, offering only a quick shot opportunity while walking with a purpose, grunts, bleats, whistles, nothing was stopping this deer. 30 yard broadside shot for my buddy while the deer stood for a brief second and he shot low! It was a painful walk back down the bluffs in Red Wing tonight.

    Posts: 2998

    I hunt around the red wing area and have not been seeing the bucks i normally do this year i have seen more doe fawns then anything the bucks i have seen have been pretty decent though

    SSP, MN
    Posts: 234

    I have only seen one buck who has the antler mass to match his body. All of the others look like moose with tiny antlers. I have seen more bucks this year than the previous 4 years I have hunted here and there are does all over. There is probably a 50/50 mix between old gals and last years model. Of the bucks I have seen one very nice eight, the smaller eight today, and a few others that were too far to make out what their racks looked like even through bino’s so that should tell you something. The biggest eight was last Friday during the snow storm, he was a good 150 yards off and snacked on the beans for 10 minutes or so, freshened a scrape and walked back into the woods. I just can’t seem to be in the right spot these days

    NW Metro
    Posts: 238

    At least you are getting out! I wouldn’t get that pissed about it looking at all of the scouting you did this year . Maybe go buy a decoy and throw it out in the field, a little visual in the wide open beans might help you get one of those bucks to get a little closer to you being they are coming out where ever they want.

    Once again at least you are getting out!

    SSP, MN
    Posts: 234

    Yeah, I don’t know if the wife would appreciate me purchasing a “fake” deer. She just wants me to shoot a real deer and end the weekend madness. I’ve got Sunday afternoon after Aaron’s hockey before I wrap it up to let the rifle hunters tear up my spot. Then I’ll do some pheasant hunting the next few weekends and try to get back. One day left unless I can sneak out sometime next week. Stupid Halloween, who puts that fake holiday on a Saturday anyway?

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