• Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    So what is your favorite tree stand? For bow hunting I have two TRAIL HAWK TREE STANDS (Sometime after I made this post I have since found out that Trail Hawk went out of business about a year ago they were out of Lacrosse and could not compete with the companies that make tree stands over seas. All I can say is it is a darn shame to lose a good product that was made in the USA) What I like about the Tail Hawk is it hangs in the tree with a screw in pin, very easy to hang after the pin is in the tree. I have several of the pins and just leave the pins in the trees that I hunt out of for the season.

    For the shot gun season I bought a TREE LOUNGE last Dec on sale and saved about $70. Check out there web site they give one away each month during hunting season!!! I have not used this stand yet but everyone I talk to that owns one love’s them. I gun hunt the same way I bow hunt, I find a good spot & stay put, I do not like to party hunt. During the gun season I will stay in the woods all day so I need a comfortable stand, I can not wait to try this one out.

    PS: I am not sponsored by Trail Hawk or Tree Lounge or any company that sells deer hunting products.

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