Knowing a spot to fish is good; but don’t you need to know about a few dozen spots and a 1/2 dozen methods? And don’t you usually have to go spot hopping to find those big girls? I think the GPS coordinates deal is overrated. There are ways to shorten the learning curve like hiring a guide. But time on the water and getting good at a number of methods is what it takes IMHO. There is a reason that a number of guys on this website catch trophy fish multiple times year in and year out. I’m not one of them.
But I’m working on it.dd
Knowing a spot is all well and good but if a fisherman has no idea why the fish are there then he/she has learned nothing. This is why you see so many people fishing community spots that held fish a month ago. Someone told them “the fish were biting there”.
Now, if a fisherman starts to think about why the fish are in a certain spot and where they can find similar spots they have learned a skill that will help them at any time of the year. Soon they will learn the travel patterns of the fish on the river and will be able to find the fish when they move.
My two cents.