Oct 7 Got out a little later then I hoped but thought better hunting then at home with kids fighting. Well the hunt started off pretty good wasn’t in the stand 15-20 minutes and a nubby come feeding through and was around the stand for almost a hour. He was just getting ready to enter the food plot when I could hear something
thought it was probably a buck I got ready. About 10 minutes later I could see a doe coming across the plot she feed around the plot for about 20 minute she kind of walking off still making a bleating sound. Wasn’t long she come back through the plot to the stand stopping broad side at 18yd put her head behind a tree I drew my bow settled the pin and released
as she run off she was pumping knew she wouldn’t go far. Put up my bow to set a while ten minute later 2 more does come by at 25yds but they didn’t want to stop.
Thought one deer was enough for tonight.
Good night hunt in stand less then 2 hour seen 4 deer shot at 5:55pm recovered 6:30 waited for wife to show up for a few pictures skinned in cooler showered and ready for bed by 9:00pm
It’s only a doe but freezer needs meat