I was in stand looking the other way of course and a nice buck snuck up the hill from behind me at 630. I saw him at forty yards and at about thirty i knew I was shooting. He was moving through some branches right before my small opening and i pulled back. This was off the left side of my stand. He walked into the opening but angled immediatley towards me and walked past tree at ten yards (so to my back behind tree). I knew he would come into another shooting lane that runs along a trail behind me but I had to turn all the way around with him at ten yards and my bow at full draw. I got turned around and as he aproached the trail he looked right up at me and did a little bobbing to see what i was. He seemed to relax a little and not quite quartered to the trail. At about eighteen yards I checked anchor point and put twenty on him and released. I cant quite clearly remeber exactly where I impacted him but I think it was about four inches back from where I wanted it and just over the halfway point on height. My arrow was bright red blood but after looking after dark twenty yards from impact we only found one really dark spot of blood so we backed out and that brings us to here. Appologise for rambling but atill worried pumped tired and wired.
October 5, 2009 at 1:48 am