wednesday morning brought the frost with it came the deer movement I thought that I should slip in to an area that i have been getting alot of morning pics at sunrise I saw a few does and fawns in the distance well out of bow range at about 7:45 i had doe with two button buck fawns come in I thought it was a perfect chance to do QDM seeing as the doe will push the button bucks out of the area I thought I would take the doe, so with the doe at 28 yards brodside I drew, settled my pin and let her buck she stumbled 15 yards and was down
The crashing that she did apparently caught the attention of a couple of bucks because two 2 1/2 year olds came running in I guessed them to be about 110 to 120 inches so i decided to gave them a free pass
but in a year or two its
Over all a good morning the doe dressed out at 139 pounds
October 2, 2009 at 6:32 am