
  • little_g
    durand WI
    Posts: 317

    Well that didn’t take long for the crying to start because Triple Crown is dead, why can’t people people just be happy when someone shoots a big buck.

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3376

    AMEN , It’s never ending BS… Tell him to let it go in one ear and out the other I have seen this many many times and have let it bring me down and it takes the fun and life right out of you . DON’T let this happen to you guys. You did everything right and killed a buck of a life time !!!! urine ON THEM !!!! Congrats you guys on a monster BC buck

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22674

    There will always be people who are jealous… But total utter bitterness ??? Life is too short to worry about clowns like that…. you see it all too often. People need to grow up, congratulate the successful hunter and move on. In fact, I have spent more time on this already, than it deserves. A great Buck and great story

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 412

    People like this give hunting a bad name. Why cant it be enough to go out and enjoy good company, play cards, drink some beer and have a great time. Enjoy the buck, the hunt and the memories in the field as one never knows when his or her next opportunity at something of this caliber will present. Dont boast, dont brag, just show appreciation to God for this beauty you have been blessed with. The others will come around. Just my .02

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240


    AMEN , It’s never ending BS… Tell him to let it go in one ear and out the other I have seen this many many times and have let it bring me down and it takes the fun and life right out of you . DON’T let this happen to you guys. You did everything right and killed a buck of a life time !!!! urine ON THEM !!!! Congrats you guys on a monster BC buck

    I could not agree more!

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    Did i miss something What are these rumors

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22674

    It’s not here… some bitter bassturd in a bar somewhere I would guess…..

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101


    Well that didn’t take long for the crying to start because Triple Crown is dead, why can’t people people just be happy when someone shoots a big buck.

    Refer them to this site. Have them read mossyoaks story and what Triple Crown means to him. Then tell them if they would have killed Triple Crown instead, all of us here on IDO would have congratulated them the same way as we did for mossyoak.

    Posts: 87

    whoever is starting these rumors are not real hunters, real hunters would want every hunter to come away with a monster buck every year…like everyone on this sight! and way to go on that monster!

    UP Michigan
    Posts: 198

    Thanks alot guys for all the support I dont understand why people have to get bitter Brad nailed it on the head everyone from IDO knows what hunting is about its just BS for people to monday morning quarterback others. Its really great to see hunters banned together for a good cause.. I really cant express my thanks enough to all of for all of your support with my deer.. I know I am just as happy to see one of our members get a deer…

    Posts: 6443


    AMEN , It’s never ending BS… Tell him to let it go in one ear and out the other I have seen this many many times and have let it bring me down and it takes the fun and life right out of you . DON’T let this happen to you guys. You did everything right and killed a buck of a life time !!!! urine ON THEM !!!! Congrats you guys on a monster BC buck

    what he said

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    You still the man Mossyoak!

    Congrats again!

    sunrise mn
    Posts: 542

    The thing is ppl work for their deer. Some work harder than others. If you don’t have anything good to say about a legal kill, then don’t say it at all.

    Not everyone gets a chance at a giant like that.
    Sounds like some ppl are jealous. Well I am! I wish I would have shot that giant.

    Mossyoak seems to me you spent some time out in the woods and got an opportunity and NICE KILL!!! I enjoy all the hunting stories long or short. It could be a giant or a doe. I hope so more kills roll in soon so I can read a few more.

    durand WI
    Posts: 317

    Well some of the neighbors have been watching this buck, what they didn’t realize is whose land they were watching it on.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 699

    I had a similar problem a few years ago. My dad’s best friend and I were tipped off by a guy that works in our quarry that a stud buck was in a place they normally aren’t (on our farm). The buck was coming in from one of two big ditches. I sent my dad’s friend to one and I took the other. Well my dad’s friend shot the 189″ stud and I couldn’t have been happier, especially after all the help he gives us on the farm and in the woods. It was awesome.

    Well rumors around town start churning that my dad and I were pissed that he shot the hog. Both of us couldn’t have been happier that he shot it. This got under the friend’s skin so bad that he rarely stopped by after that. I think that other people were so jealous that they assumed we were the same. Now every time I see the mount of the big buck, it always brings a smile to my face of that unforgettable experience.

    I hope it stays that way with your velvet stud!

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    you guys must live in small towns

    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 108

    Sorry to hear that you have had to go through this. Some people are bitter and think that the deer on “their” land is “their” deer. But that is why it is fair chase. You put in your time and were rewarded with a buck of a lifetime. Try not to let other people’s jealousy spoil your memory of your hunt.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    When it all comes down to it Id bet that people who get jealous really don’t know how to hunt that good anyway. If a person knew, most if not all, of those people probably have never seen a nice buck let alone shoot one. It makes me think that anyone who’s put in their time and really searched for a nice deer and put in quite a few hours trying to find one would appreciate what it takes to shoot a very nice buck even though it wasn’t them and has never shot one. How many guys are patting him on the back knowing that it takes alot of work, I know there’s some. Jealousy is so counter productive that it also makes me think that that’s the way those people are too, just that. A wiser hunter always has the time for a congradulations.

    Posts: 711

    i think a big part of it is you are not one of the local yoko’s. i’m sure every one in this small town new of this deer and then you get some UP’er comes in and shoots there owe these peaple nothing.
    a little PR may not be a bad idea though, next time your in the area maybe stop by the local watering hole and mill about, maybe buy a beer or two.
    like i said you owe these people nothing just a thought.

    P.S.congrat’s on an awsome buck

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137


    Well that didn’t take long for the crying to start because Triple Crown is dead, why can’t people people just be happy when someone shoots a big buck.

    People see deer and establish ownership. Plain and simple.

    I think the DNR hits it on the head in regards to their deer feeding policy in MN. I’ve been told by several wildlife biologists and other DNR officials that deer feeding is as much a social problem as it is a wildlife one. I’m not starting a “baiting” debate or anything, just restating the obvious, that people in close proximity to deer can be bad for a number of reasons.

    People create an emotional attachment to these animals, whether it’s via a foodpile, cruising the roads looking for deer, or getting trail cam pics of them. They create all sorts of ridiculous reasons as to why that’s “their” buck or turkey, and find a way to be bitter when it’s not them that harvests it.

    Either way, you obviously did everything right mossy to take the buck of a lifetime. Like others have said, I wouldn’t let any of it get to you…..and I’d take it as a compliment really.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18830

    I suppose this thread makes sense to most of you guys but I sure dont follow it.

    Posts: 2

    What gets me is how some one can place their name on a wild animal! Wow, now thats impressive. And to say that he shot it off his property. Whoever it is should just go check the other trailcam (besides the one they already checked)and get the picture of mossyoak walking to that treestand that night. IT’S MOSSYOAK’S BUCK, SHOT OFF MOSSYOAK’S LEASE!!!!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Suzuki, it has become a common theme anytime a big deer is shot. “Rumors” are started of how it was poached, shot off another guys property, shot after shooting light, someone trespassed, shot with a rifle, etc. I think I have heard them all by now. Started by people that are just upset, jealous, or mad that someone else sealed the deal and shot a magnificent animal. The spite comes in because it wasn’t them, so to tarnish the great accomplishment by another hunter they start these ‘rumors’ when they have no idea what really happened.

    Honestly, I have seen the very same thing get started here 2 times on this website and it really left a sour taste in my mouth. For the most part this ia a great site, but it is growing every day and with that comes members that may not see what we are all about and will bash other Hunters when they truly do not know the whole story and either assume certain things or start rumors out of spite to make others look bad.

    durand WI
    Posts: 317

    It’s a sad thing because these guys do shoot big bucks, and another thing is that I was born and raised here and invited them to hunt in this spot. So on that notes we can end this forum and move on to the next with a more positive attitude, because all it does is giving them what they want. I just wanted everyone to know that’s why I wouldn’t get another buck tag because the coyotes ate mine, and because I’m happy with the one I got.
    Thanks for the support

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18830

    Thanks. Kinda what I thought. Just wasnt sure what event you were refering too. I would guess that big one in Wi.
    Big racks sure do that to people. Especially since they are worth so much money to collectors and the like. I read once the next world record would make over a million to the shooter. That would definitely motivate a lot of misconduct. Personally I rate my trophies by the length of the tail feathers and the size of the fan tail but there’s no money in that trade. Good luck. I sure hope we all see some cool weather soon.

    Marshfield WI.
    Posts: 479

    Human nature and the results a bad taste

    You cannot avoid this from happening but you can curtail it somewhat. As I read this thread I see what many times I wished we could all avoid.

    This web site is awesome; we really have a unique place here that was given to us to learn and better ourselves as hunters, meet new friends and pass on our passion in which we all enjoy onto others. This is what draws people to this site and has the ability to be greater with growth.

    With that growth let’s focus on ways to understand and navigate without setting in the emotional factors because the bickering and lashing out of issues that turn into a [censored] fight only portrays how some react versus how to confront or avoid the potential problems.

    You will never be able to avoid “bar talk” period, with that at times even the locals will look to you as an intruder even though everything was done right. As stated when it comes to monster bucks I don’t care if you’re in Central WI, Buffalo County WI, MN or even KY. folks go crazy over big horns and because of this they do stupid things.

    Getting to know your locals months or years prior both local and at your common stops will allow the opportunity for some of them to get to know you and develop a degree of trust and respect. This includes neighbors, restaurants, local bars and gas stations they all make a difference.

    Sometimes before things get all out of whack I have confronted the folks face to face it can be amazing when you sit in on a conversation that the folks are in a heavy discussion pertaining to you as if they were there an knew you but yet in reality had no idea who you are. At this point introduce yourself in a friendly matter and always answer to the comments thrown out in a friendly positive manner you can at times spin these folks right around.

    You can nip a lot of issues in the butt up front and in a professional friendly matter and actually at times gain respect to the point folks will start to ask you questions or open up future hunting opportunities.

    Just some thoughts on this

    Mossy you have a great hunt under your belt and no one can take that away there will always be the sore losers out there that may try to claim your pride but keep in mind that there are more folks out there that look up to you and your accomplishments and for that be proud.

    Jeff Heeg

    Posts: 21

    dont worry about it mossyoak we will still over it. ever body around that land is a bunch of hunters stuck on them selfs

    good buck we know the truth

    Scott Mueller
    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 125

    You hit it right on the head Slack, many of the local non- landowners still get upset about the leased land issue. Many really dislike when the nonresidents get the leases, not the people in general it’s that there outta state and the NRs are on the land they used to play on. Often the locals don’t get to meet them socially this does not just pertain to NRs but many of the people who lease land are just not from the area anymore. Slack is right you owe them nothing but then again it could lead to more opportunities. May Your Rack Be Heavy And Your Drag Be Short

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    My goodness. After all that we still don’t know what was said. Maybe it doesn’t matter.

    And yes P*SS On them for that. Great buck and great story. Like Lip said, nearly every big deer comes with this in the aftermath. I think Milo Hansen lucked out because he was with 30 people chasing his deer over 30 miles. Plenty of witnesses.

    Scott Mueller
    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 125

    It’s to bad that someone has to whine but i guess society has changed many,i to do’t know what the rumor was but as of now it’s just that a rumor.Sounds to me like his timming and location was perfect,the next day,week or next month he coulda been on the neighbors never to return but it was to be his day, Congrats again on the harvest of great buck

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