Pope & Young Buck Downed with Recurve

  • little_g
    durand WI
    Posts: 317

    The hunt all started this spring shed hunting on our new lease in Buffalo County, WI. Even though I never found these guys’ sheds, we did have a good idea what was in the area with the twelve different buck sheds I did find.

    So, to fast forward to opening weekend, I had a really good buck spotted for some friends across the road from where I shot my buck which they ended up harvesting Sunday night. It turns out the buck was a lot bigger than anyone anticipated but more on that when Craig’s story comes out.

    Now, to my day of the hunt: I got up Friday morning, called my brother and told him that our water hole was dry, and I had a good buck spotted for him to shoot. With that said he came down and we started hauling water to the water hole and hanging a stand for the buck I spotted the night before. When we finished, we headed back to the house for some target practice and my other brother called us up at about 3:30 and said he’s got a monster spotted. So, we threw our bows in the truck and raced over there so he could make us a bow drive, but the buck gave us the slip.

    Off to the stands we go. Jared and Josh go to the new double hung stand that we put up that morning–Jared armed with a bow, Josh with the camera. I go to the water hole, and I no more than get comfortable and a doe with a fawn come in. Twenty minutes later in comes a buck; shooter waiting for the shot. Ok, he is in the shooting lane, though tight. I draw, anchor, release, and Thwack! I got him but not sure on the shot placement. I waited for dark to start tracking. Within twenty yards I found my snapped, wooden arrow. It looked like good penetration, so we kept on him. After about 300 yards, we found where he bedded three times and went about twenty yards to a set-aside field, so we decided to back out and wait for morning.

    With little sleep, morning finally comes and I get my girlfriend’s dad Marty, my brother Josh, my cousin Chad, and we start tracking. Marty went to a tower stand so if we bumped him he would have a bird’s eye view to see where he went. We started tracking across the set-aside towards the corn field with no blood. When we got to the corn, we split up–my brother to the right and cousin to the left, in two rows. My brother yells, “I found him but the coyotes did a number on him.” So, we took the buck out of the corn for some pictures trying to cover up what the coyotes have done. The pictures turned out great and my taxidermist, Kirk Peterson, was able to use the cape. As for the rest of the deer, not eatable.

    Even though it was a short season for me, I’m very proud of the first buck I have ever shot with my recurve and probably the first to net into the Pope and Young books.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    Congratulations G! What a great looking buck! For those of you who do not know Jeremy, he’s a big time deer junkie and spends days upon days, looking for sheds and scouting for bucks. To take a P&Y buck with a recurve bow and an arrow that you made yourself is certainly something to be proud of.

    Congrats again buddy – you are certainly deserving of this buck.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Nice job on the recurve buck thas awsome. Hes sure one to be proud of

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    Nice buck Sorry to hear about those dirty dogs though I will be killing them this winter!

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    Nice buck little g!!!!! and to do it with a recurve

    Posts: 6443

    big congrats g

    hes a dandy with any bow but double with a recurve

    sorry bout the yotes dirty work

    just like that another tag is filled and another camera biotch is born

    Southeast, MN
    Posts: 1014

    What a great deer and what a way to take him. I admire you for that and have always admired people who shoot the way you do. Congrats!!! It may be to late now but in MN if you shoot a deer and the coyotes beat you to it the wardens will often give you a special tag that allows you to keep that one and not have to burn your regular tag.

    Again great story and great deer!!!

    durand WI
    Posts: 317

    Thanks everyone and they will in WI to but I got the cape and plenty of doe tags, shooting two bucks really does not go over good around here mostly to do with jeolously.

    Posts: 9269

    A great read with a great ending. Sounds like you put your time in and earned that buck. It would be awesome to shoot a buck of that caliber with a recurve and wooden arrows. That is an awesome accomplishment.

    Southeast, MN
    Posts: 1014

    I hear ya, but its not like your shooting babies! I say more power to you if you can stick another big one. Great job again, congrats

    durand WI
    Posts: 317

    Missouri and MN left to hunt so it’s not a big deal and I’m happy with what I shot.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4145

    Congrats Little G!


    Posts: 6443


    Missouri and MN left to hunt so it’s not a big deal and I’m happy with what I shot.

    stack em up g

    Posts: 372

    that is a wonderful buck. now its my turn to get on so that we can be even farther in first place.

    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 108

    Congrat’s little G. That is certainly a very nice buck. As for:


    shooting two bucks really does not go over good around here mostly to do with jeolously.

    Personally, I say if someone has a problem with that, then it is there problem. You have earned the right and also paid the $$$ to hunt in Buffalo County. You should not feel guilty or pressured not to hunt another deer because someone else has a personal problem.

    Anyway, like you said, there are plenty of doe tags. BC is an intensive harvest county in Wisconsin and plenty of opportunities to put meat on the table.

    UP Michigan
    Posts: 198

    Congrats thats a dandy buck..we’ll have to get are revenge on those dogs after deer season..

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22674

    little g

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137

    Nice work G! I tell you what, that’s a true trophy in anyone’s book, then to do it with trad. equipment is something very admirable.

    Nice thing about tagging out early is that there’s plenty of other stuff to do in the fall!


    Sparta WI
    Posts: 46

    Congrats! on your buck with the recurve. Good luck in your other states that you are hunting.

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3376

    Congrats G on a great buck

    Mark Steffes
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1376

    Congrats G great buck

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 412

    That is an awesome buck regardless, not to mention using a recurve and arrows you crafted out of your own hands. Congrats

    Posts: 2

    Nice job “G” Cant wait to see the horns, Way to go bud, im sure ill be running into you soon again….

    Moorhead, Minnesota
    Posts: 150

    Hey G,
    Congrats on the buck especially with a recurve.

    Posts: 21

    good buck bro now you can help me get mine b/c i suck at finding where to hunt.

    durand WI
    Posts: 317

    First I have to figure out how to get you in the woods instead of riding you BIKE.
    We will get you one, but only a nine pointer don’t want the extra competition on the contest.

    craig daugherty
    Osseo, Mn
    Posts: 689

    Great Buck! Nice Buck especially with a Recurve!

    up man
    Posts: 305


    Central MN
    Posts: 2853

    Conrgrats on a traditional P&Y!

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