Took a drive tonight…

  • asphixiation
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 32

    I took a drive tonight out by stillwater near our hunting lands and was surprised by what I saw. In bean and hay fields where we normally see 20 plus deer I saw 0. I saw 3 deer in one bean field where the crop was mostly green and had not turned yellow. I think I know where the deer are though… while I was driving to one of the fields, I saw 5 deer in the front yard of a house under oak trees. So for all of you reading this, plan accordingly.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22915

    I thought they cut the funding to ACORN….???? Guess the deer have not heard

    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 108

    I have heard the same thing from guys I know that hunted in Wisonsin last weekend. It has been dry and the oak trees are stressed and dropping acorns early. One of them also said they saw a few scrapes, which is early. So it may be an interesting year if this pattern stays.


    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    I think the heat is playing a big peice in the puzzle, in my trail cam pics from all over the state I had deer shedding there summer coats in the second week of augest,I cant stand this heat with shorts on I did see a nice buck on the road a few minutes ago on the way home from work

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