Couple of questions for the pros?

  • pool5hunter
    South East,Mn
    Posts: 91

    Do you think the velvet 8 and the hard horn 8 could be the same? I think that the velvet 8 looks way younger in the face. What do you think the stats(weight,score, and year) are on the first pic? My guess is his live weight is 250lbs, about 135in., and 4.5 to 5 years. Anyway you put it he is on top of my hit list, he looks like a hog. I have been seeing alot of skinny bucks around my area, he looks like he eats everything in the county. I’m in love with him.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    hmmm thats really hard to tell because it is very possible that he put on that tine length in 2+ months. However, if it is the same buck, he has grown in weight significantly That buck in velvet looks 2.5 and the hard horn pic looks like 4.5…curious what others will say

    Brent Yeakey
    Bloomer, WI
    Posts: 553

    I am going to go ahead and say no, I base this on the straightness of the snout from eyes to nose tip. Mainly a guess

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973

    I am no expert, but by the rack, it could be the same deer…? He has the same hairpiece also ??? It would not surprise me, that a deer could put on 40 lbs. rather quickly… but like you said, his face in the velvet looks young ??? Good question !!!

    Marshfield WI.
    Posts: 479

    Sometimes the pictures taken especially if at night will alter the way the buck really looks.

    To take a look here, my first impression of the velvet buck is a 2.5 year old and that being said the rack shows familiarity in comparison if given 2 months of growth but the buck in hard horn shows a heavier and deeper neck and brisket area giving it a year or two more in age.

    I may be wrong but I’m guessing two different bucks

    Just my opinion


    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    I’m no expert either, but I say no. That first buck could quite possibly be a 4 and halfer, plus he’s just plain chiseled. I agree that they can put on a lot of weight, but he looks to be filled out quite a bit more.

    Posts: 241

    Looks like they could be younger and older brothers. Not sure.

    Posts: 864

    I agree the body just looks so much bigger to me. He is farther away from the camera which may make him look smaller and he still looks heavier. Good luck getting him!

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Tough…same deer but got a 3month Golds membership and performance ebhancing drugs from Spain ..

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I say no. The depth of the brisket and neck of the first one is no where close to the 2nd no mattter how much weight it might of put on.

    That 2nd deer is for sure 4.5, maybe 5.5+ and has a tank of a body! Tha tis a mature buck that should have a big red X on him!

    South East,Mn
    Posts: 91

    Hey another quick question for everyone. What do you think the hard horned buck would score?

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    mid 120s but that body could make it deceiving

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    I’m pretty sure it’s a different buck. Based on what others have said above and look right above the black part of his nose. In the shed out buck he has a definite white ring around his nose. In the velvet pic, I don’t see any white.

    I’m guessing he will gross in the high 120’s and is at least 4.5 years old.

    Good luck putting the on that big boy!

    South East,Mn
    Posts: 91

    Thanks for all the info.

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