I was in North Dakota for the bow opener there this last weekend. We were trying to shoot a buck in velvet and both were successful. It was very warm while we were there. We were on 18000 acres!! We stayed at one of the houses on the property which normally housed thier seasonal workers. The drive to get back to the red river was 4 mile on black dirt field roads so any rain would have put an end to that. With rain in the forecast we had to try and make it happen. We had moved our stands around after the first day and started seeing some deer. I was seeing them right at dark coming out of 20 acres of young popples I was perched in. I had to be ready because I didnt have alot of time since it was so thick they were passed me and in the field before I could shoot. This guy came out the day before we were done at dark and gave me a 15 yard shot. He went 70 yards and that was it. The mosquitos seemed to love the thermacell. Words cant describe how bad they were. We had layers of clothes on and still seemed to choke on them they were so thick.
Great way to start the season and probably the onlychance I will everhave shooting a buck in velvet!!!
sorry about the penmanship. some reason when I try and edit something into the story it erases whats in front.
September 9, 2009 at 10:19 pm