mentor program brings dilema

  • chippee
    sw wi
    Posts: 488

    While I’m thrilled at the chance to take my youngest hunting this year it brings a dilema I knew was coming. I have 2 daughters 11 and 15, and since we will all be pretty much hunting together who gets to shoot what and when. The oldest has taken a couple already but is still basically a new hunter, and of course you want a new hunter to have success her 1st time out, we have kind of decided that if a doe comes everyone is fine with my 11 yr old taking the shot but what if a decent buck shows up, do you let the oldest who has put a few yrs in and not gotten a real nice buck yet or give the first timer all the first shots, may be a challenging year to make sure competiton stays friendly and feelings dont get hurt

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Sounds like you almost have it figured out. If it is a doe, then the youngest gets the shot…. if it is a buck, she needs to defer to the older, if she does not want to shoot it, let the younger one then !!! Of course, you might want to draft a contract and have them both sign… Sort of a nice dilemma to have Two young hunters with you !!!

    Posts: 6441

    rock paper scissors it is

    good luck keeping the peace on the home front

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Whoa! Dillema is right. Sounds like you have a good plan. Hopefully they both get their chance. Good luck and keep us up to date and if they do harvest one, we want pics.

    Posts: 74

    Chippee- that is awesome you are taking your girls out hunting!

    Another approach would be to take each out individually. Allowing the younger one to get some one on one time with dad too. Have the younger one shoot a doe 1st… and emphasis the importance of deer management. If she shoots a buck 1st she may not ever want to or understand why it’s important to hunt doe’s as well.

    Just my 2 cents~
    Can’t wait to hear about their hunts

    Posts: 214

    I would say at 15 you could put her on her own in a blind or on the ground somewhere! Or mom or grandpa could sit with her if you did not feel comfortable doing that. My sister shot her first deer at 14 sitting on a piece of styrofoam about 100 yards away from my dad!

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