• Mark Steffes
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1376

    Real nice fish & Welcome to IDO

    Posts: 4179

    Great to have you with us!

    Bruce Barnum
    Posts: 178

    How rude of me….

    Welcome to IDO TLDfishing!!

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 699

    Welcome to the site. Nice looking eyes.

    Posts: 17

    Thanks for the welcome everyone.

    Shoreview, Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1024

    TLD- Welcome to IDA Those are some nice looking walleyes.


    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3149

    Welcome to IDO TLD! Looks like you got something figured out there! Can’t wait to hear how it goes in a boat!

    Posts: 6259

    Red Cedar rocks, great night fishing for walleye’s open water and hard, glad to see a few of those girls. Welcome to IDO!

    Dodge Center, MN
    Posts: 192

    TLD-welcome to a site that will take all of your free time and gain you valuable information!
    Were you fishing right in town up there?? By the DQ?? When in college, I had a buddy that was going to school up there and in the fall we would always nail some walleyes below the dam right in town. Always a good time! Glad to see there are still some nice fish up that way!!

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    Nice walleyes! Welcome to IDO!

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    Nice fish. If it warms up some I’ll have to try below the dam in Menomonie.Welcome to IDA

    Posts: 95

    nice fish and welcome to IDO!!!!!

    Kieler, Wis
    Posts: 664

    my grandpa retired in rice lake and he used to take me down by the dam. used to catch alot of nice walleyes there. have you ever tried down behind the tech school? welcome to the sight and good luck on the river. the red cedar is an awesome river, you never know what you might catch.

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    I have the artics! Artic Mukluks

    They are dirt cheap (the licenses that is) nine bucks for one day, or sixteen bucks for a three day-

    Come on down!

    Posts: 17

    Thanks again everyone for welcoming me to the site.I have been fishing by the DQ downtown. Both sides of the river produce fish. I haven’t tried by the tech school, but I will. Thanks for the tip. I’ve also caught fish at the dams in Mikana and Birchwood. Mostly eaters, but a few females. I plan on trying the dams in Chetek and Barron soon. Any tips would be appreciated.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    Lots of changes this year for MN deer hunters be sure to read though the regs carefully to see what changes there are for your area.

    Check out the links at the bottom of this post to the 2009 MN Hunting and Trapping Regulations Handbook and the 2009 MN Deer Firearms Zone Map.

    From the MN handbook……….

    Note: Antlerless deer taken during the archery season do not count
    towards the second weekend antlerless deer.
    Note: Youth are not exempt from these regulations.
    The 2009 Minnesota Legislature made modifications to the 3A deer
    season, which includes deer areas 338, 339 and 341-349. Specifically, the
    legislation extends the season by two days compared to last year. The law
    is in effect for 2009 only and the season dates are November 7-15.
    Below is an interpretation of the law by deer area designation:
    Lottery Deer Areas (344) – The bag limit in deer area 344 (the only
    lottery area in zone 3) is one deer. Hunters can tag any buck or antlerless
    deer if successful in the lottery from Saturday, Nov. 7 through Friday,
    Nov. 13. On Nov. 14-15, hunters are restricted to tagging a buck with at
    least one 4-point antler or antlerless deer if successful in the lottery. Over
    the second weekend (Nov. 14-15), hunters cannot shoot and tag bucks
    for each other.
    • November 7-13 – any legal buck or antlerless deer if successful in the
    • November 14 and 15 – only bucks with at least one 4-point antler or
    antlerless deer if successful in the lottery. Hunters must shoot and tag
    their own buck.
    Managed and Intensive Deer Areas (338-343, 345-349) – If a
    hunter tags an antlerless deer from November 7-13, they can tag any
    buck during the second weekend. If they do not tag an antlerless deer
    before Nov. 14, they can only tag a buck if it has at least one 4-point antler.
    However, during the last weekend, they can take any buck if they tag
    a doe first. This is essentially a modified form of earn-a-buck that only
    applies during the last weekend. Also, over the last weekend, hunters cannot
    shoot and tag bucks for each other.
    • November 7-13 – any legal buck or antlerless deer
    • November 14 and 15
    › If an antlerless deer was tagged on or before November 13, a hunter
    may tag any antlered buck.

    Deer – FIREARMS
    › If a hunter tags an antlerless deer first, they may tag any buck (no
    antler point restriction).
    › If a hunter does not tag an antlerless deer first, they are restricted to
    bucks with at least one 4-point antler.

    2009 MN Hunting and Trapping Regulations Handbook

    2009 MN Deer Firearms Zone Map

    Posts: 711

    just when you thought they couldn’t skrew it up any more

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240


    just when you thought they couldn’t skrew it up any more

    My thoughts exactly instead of making things simpler they are making them more complected.

    Reads Landing Mn
    Posts: 696

    So if I shoot and tag a antlerless deer in permit area 170 can I come down to 346 and tag any buck on the last 2 days of the 1st season?

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Man that is confusing.

    It looks like a whole different set of rules for the 2nd weekend.

    Posts: 711

    what really burns my is that in permit area 344, youts (my cousin vinny) can no longer shoot a deer of either sex and have to apply for an antlerless permit through the lottery (only 200 permits)
    the best part about this is that the DNR had nothing to do with these changes, it was the politicians all the way.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    These rule changes are stupid to about sum it up. Either have the 4 point restriction ALL gun season or no restriction at all! Also if there planning to manage the herd then why in the h#ll did they take out intensive harvest in 347 cause of a low deer herd!?!?! I agree with the polititcal statment as well. I believe a certain organization is now calling the shots on this one. Step 1 to a better future for trophy white tail…..MOVE THE GUN SEASON BACK 2 WEEKS!!!!! Not that hard to figure out it is during the rut.

    Posts: 214

    I heard it was the SE MDHA that made the big push for these regs!

    Posts: 329

    It is all the deer hunting groups but I do believe it was the Winona chapter of the deerhunters. It is not zone 3 alone that has screwed up regulations this year. Time for some changes in St.Paul some of these state reps are getting too comfortable. Amazing how deer hunting in this state has changed for the worse since Lou arrived.The one thing that needs to be done in alot of areas of this state is do away with the doe permit lottery and have a draw for a BUCK liscense with a limited number of liscenses available, if you had 675 bucks killed in unit 343 in 2008 issue 700 permits this year ,you will cary more bucks over to the following year and make the people with doe permits shoot the does it should not be an either sex permit like we currently have.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240


    I believe a certain organization is now calling the shots on this one.


    I heard it was the SE MDHA that made the big push for these regs!


    It is all the deer hunting groups but I do believe it was the Winona chapter of the deerhunters.

    This is how rumors get started guys so if this is all hear say without the facts please be careful on what you post as this will just make things worse. Slack you are correct this was not done by the DNR it was politicians, all I can say is it was one person who had allot of influence on the politicians who made these changes. This was a big step backwards in the eyes of Bluffland Whitetails Association and they are working on getting things moving back in the right direction for the 2010 season.

    Whitewater Valley
    Posts: 37

    Why dont they just leave 3A area alone. Most of those people up in St.Paul probably dont even hunt. There are bigger problems to worry about than that. If they dont think there is deer, than they should just drive around in zone 3 before dark now and see how many deer are out in those bean/hay fields.

    Reads Landing Mn
    Posts: 696

    All’s I can say is groups wanted change and CHANGE we got. Some groups like it and some don’t.
    I still believe that before this is put into law, it should be surveyed when you buy the deer hunting license for that permit area. NOT just some strong voices that have their own interst in mind.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I completely blame all the special interest groups and lobbyist trying to make Zone 3 a “trophy zone” and not taking into consideration of what the sport is about. What has been lost in translation of a great tradition is elitist are trying to change things for their own agenda.

    I keep getting a survey from the MNDNR asking me about my preferences of hunting for Zone 3. And the funnier part of it all, is that they keep asking me what lobbyist group I’m part of for deer hunting…….

    So sad…..

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