Bow Preference

  • rbfishing
    Posts: 11

    Was wondering what kind of advice I could get with regards to the Kryptic Pro bow from Bowtech. I am an avid deer hunter but am also a college student so the pleasure of shooting a Matthew’s or Hoyt is a little out of my price range as of now. I can get this bow for $400 dollars brand new from a buddy. What does everybody think? Any advice will be much appreciated.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    I would say before spending your $$ on the bow, take it for a test drive. Go down to your local archery shop to make sure it fits you before you buy it. Shoot it and se how it feels. You would hate to spend your hard earned money on something you’ll not feel comfortable shooting. I’m sure you could find a good used bow as well. Do some shopping around (assuming you haven’t of course) and see what else is out there.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I agree with Mike no matter the price tag if you don’t like the feel for the bow it is not worth it IMO. You need to have confidence in shooting what ever bow you buy at what ever price. Ask your buddy if you can shoot it first. If it feels good to you, then I would buy it.

    Posts: 1493

    I got my bow from Schaffers this spring. Heres something to think about. You could spend $400 on a bowtech, but if anything goes wrong with it, you are looking at around a month or better before it gets fixed.

    Schaffers has a layaway plan where you can pay it off and use it at their range until its paid off. But the most important thing that came into play when I made my decision, was the warranty. If you buy new from them, you will get a lifetime warranty, and service usually between 2-3 days. That could be the difference between bagging a buck and missing out on your season. From what I understand the Bowtechs parts can take a month or two to arrive.

    I bought the Mission by Matthews Eliminator. I think I spent around $650, but I paid off over time. This route may be more affordable than you think. Good Luck!

    Waumandee, WI
    Posts: 695

    One more thing to think about is there are a lot of great used bows out there. I know there are some used DXT’s out there for $550 set-up and Switch Backs for $500 set-up. Shop around and like the other guys said shoot them first. Good Luck

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    My first bow was a low end PSE and that thing was a deer killing machine, sometimes I wish I still had it. Every single harvest I had with that nail driver was a pass through. I guess what I’m saying is that you do not always need the highest price or fastest bow, but just a dependable one that you are confident with.

    Having top of the end equipment is very nice don’t get me wrong, but not always worth it, especially if you are just starting out or money is notavailable. You can always work your way up on your next bow purchase, when funds are a little easier. I rather have a bow now that I can get dialed in, be confident with and hunt with in 49 days rather then saving up for 3-9 months. At the end of the season you can always sell it for probably close to what you bought it for and have that money to start saving up for a better bow next Summer.

    That is just my $.02.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    To me I don’t think there is a bad bow out there these days. The technology is far superior to when we first started shooting compound bows back in the day. There are a ton of bows out there that will work for you and still not break the bank! Good luck finding the right bow and we look forward to the pics this fall!

    Posts: 131

    I am in the same boat i sold my old mathews and now have been spinning my wheels for the last 5 months on a bow thats not going to break the bank. My advice is go on ebay and look for a 2008 models of PSE or my choice will be a mathews mission eliminator 479.00. My 2 cents worth!

    Moorhead, Minnesota
    Posts: 150

    Hey Guys,
    In todays field of bows there isn’t a bad bow. This past
    winter I decided I was going to upgrade my bow. I shot a PSE and Bowtech,Diamond,Elite,Hoyt and Mathews. I decided too stick with Mathews and get a Reezen. You don’t have to
    get the high end stuff just shoot what you like and stick with it. It’s all whare you put that arrow when the moment of truth counts.

    Posts: 864


    My first bow was a low end PSE and that thing was a deer killing machine, sometimes I wish I still had it. Every single harvest I had with that nail driver was a pass through. I guess what I’m saying is that you do not always need the highest price or fastest bow, but just a dependable one that you are confident with.

    I started out with a darton (around 200.00)back then, and I couldnt have felt better come opener. Like they said shoot first, often, and be confident in whatever you choose. I never had an encounter with my less expensive bow that went wrong because of the equiptment.

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