Hey Steve, what did you find out. I purchased a point awhile ago for the $10 plus fees, are they planning on charging my card more when this bill gets signed
I finally got around to calling the Iowa DNR and here is what I found out from there prerecorded message. The Governor did indeed sign the bill yesterday May 28Th and the preference points have went up to $50. I would assume that if you bought your point before the bill was signed they can not charge you more now after the fact.
I am bummed I can not afford to pay $50 nor can I afford the $524 for a tag and lord knows how much it would be by the time I would get drawn. I would love to move to Iowa but that is not possible for me right now for a number of reasons. It would be interesting to know with the way the economy is right now if this will decrease the number of guys that will apply for a license. I am sure that they will still have no problem selling out the number of non resident license’s that they allow but I am still very curious to know if this will lower the number of guys that apply. Like was said by others it is the law of supply and demand but it is a sad day when that hurts the majority of guys that would love to hunt Iowa but can not afford to
Time for this MN boy to start looking at WI, sorry Iowa you will not be getting any of my dollars.