sounds like brad = moe of the 3 stooges
I think you might be onto something Gut. If you would have seen the fire drill we had on Sunday morning you would think you hit it on the head.
I’m still giggling about that one.
Just think about how much stuff you would have with 3 guys a Condominium for a blind (the Covert Prototype), chairs, gun, bow, calls, dekes, 2 cameras, 2 tripods, clothes for the cold morning, hats and gloves for the blind, hats and gloves for running and gunning, etc., etc. It looked like a tornado hit with stuff everywhere and I mean everywhere for about 150 yards along the field edge and in the woods. Now imagine a 3 chickens (stooges) running around with their heads cut off chasing Toms. It looked like a bomb went off and there were no survivors. I’m sure if you go back there now, there is still something left in that area.
Good Times Good Times