Governer Culver had a speech a week ago and said when Iowa gets thier part of the stimulas money thier going to be hiring 20,000 people here just to work on the roads and bridges. Heard about another speech from him today on the nightly news and the state of Iowa is going to sell many many millions of bonds to go along with the stimulas money for an extra punch, going to what place I don’t know but its for jobs. The economys around here are good and they have laid off a few but very few. I drove down the street the other day and seen a welders and machine operators sign up. Seen a sign today for operators and warehouse forklift drivers, hire immediately it said. Maybe its time to take another longer look, the economy here in town is good, everybody in the trades is working. I landed two flood homes in the last week that have to be done right away. Theres flood damage everywhere up and down the cedar river all the way from close to the minnesota border to where it enters the Iowa river and south of there too, they found peoples pets clear down in missouri that were from here. The economy here is pretty good when theres signs along the roads lookin for help and the stimulas money hasen’t even got here yet, besides the state bonds to be sold.