Another coyote or wolf trailcam pic???

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009


    Seriously, you lose all credibility in most subjects when you introduce any Iowan as a subject matter expert. Except for corn, of course. They know what they are doing in that area. It’s like asking a Packer fan who is the best player ever to step on the football field.

    I hear ya. Kinda like refering to a South Dakotan on the subject of wiping after going number two.

    Posts: 387

    are you kidding? those are coyotes.

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    my vote is still this year wolf pups. Not big enough to be adult size, yet bigger then a mature yote?

    West Salem,WI
    Posts: 211

    I’d guess yote,but I have no wolf pics.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    That is without question a set of young wolf pups! I saw the same two animals running past your house and the next day they crossed the road in front of me and stopped under your stand and made a den,and had 10 more pups,, sorry bro.

    SSP, MN
    Posts: 234

    I know what that is a picture of MEC – its a grey fox. There now that I’m an expert too I would say wolf, just seen a monster yote shot by a guy out here in SD and he had nothing on the size of those two.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    I like the fact alot of you are leaning towards coyotes but still alot of votes for wolves also. I’ll be out in the woods this Sunday to check for tracks. Thanks for everybody’s voice on this topic!

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    I’ve been following this thread and have been doing a lot of research. With 100% certainty I can tell you these are absolutely wolves or coyotes!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    I was going to say green sunfish. But that’s the other site.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009


    I’ve been following this thread and have been doing a lot of research. With 100% certainty I can tell you these are absolutely wolves or coyotes!

    Posts: 1957



    HA HA

    Well…at least 8 guys know the difference.

    Both posts, all pics, without question…yotes!


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