Weight off my shoulders

  • TeamBurbot
    Posts: 324

    Do You ever get the fealing that its just not going to happen that season? Wll this was just not my year. I as only able to get out a few times with my bow this year and missed a few really good chances at nice does and a really nice buck opener weekend. but when the muzzle loader season came i knew something had to happen. Here again i missed some really good chances at a few deer, but i finally conected with a small doe. Even though it was small after this season its all i could have asked for.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    I have the feeling right now…. Good job on your backstraps It’s been a tough year deer hunting for me for sure…. I set my sights pretty high, in wanting to take a Trophy Buck, I can honestly say, I didn’t have alot of great opportunitys on any deer this year, cept’ maybe a couple… Well, like they say, I can always dream about next year….

    big G

    Reads Landing Mn
    Posts: 696

    Congrat’s on your harvest . Just remember it’s not just about the kill, it’s about being outdoors and taking in nature.

    Posts: 10

    Congrats!!! sometimes the harder you have to work for them the more rewarding it is…..

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    Me too… Heart issues in Sept and then a rotator cuff tear. Missed bow season for the first time in 40 years!
    I have deer in the back 2 acres quite a bit…I think one of the fat (solo) does is going to be in the freezer soon!

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Congrats! Yes, the time and energy put into prior hunts makes the victory even that much sweeter!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Congratulations on your doe! The smile tells it all!

    St Germain, WI
    Posts: 208

    Congrats on the backstraps!!! Time is all it takes.

    That’s what I keep telling my wife anyway. She has yet to see a deer from a stand yet this year. Dropped her off about 2hrs ago. Giving it a few more days to bag one. I think she has been smoking in the stand so she is paying for it the cold way. BRRRRRR!


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