Ellsworth Wisconsin Buck! Pic added

  • robhood23
    Posts: 214

    Got an email today with a pic of a 196″ buck that was shot near Ellsworth Wisconsin. Don’t know how to post pics but hopefully someone will post a pic. It is a Dandy!!

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    When you are posting, just above the box you would type your text in there is a box that reads manage photos, you can upload them right there, easy as pie

    Posts: 214

    Is it ok to post a pic of someone else without permission?
    Not sure of the rules or if it is allowed?

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Its ok to post an email you got….if you know the person personally then ask them for your permission….otherwise post away..

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946


    Got an email today with a pic of a 196″ buck that was shot near Ellsworth Wisconsin. Don’t know how to post pics but hopefully someone will post a pic. It is a Dandy!!

    I only live 6 miles south of Ellsworth and haven’t heard anything about this buck.

    You can email me the pix and I can post it if you want me to.

    [email protected]

    Chippewa Falls,WI
    Posts: 554

    I just had to register to this site after I seen this post. After sitting yesterday morning we gathered as a hunting party and in comes one of the neighbors, he says to all of us “take a look at whats in back” and yes I will confirm it, it was a perliminary 196″ buck and yes it was takin about 10 south of ellsworth on hwy 10 and 450th. Bases measured 7.5 ” and 7.75″. After the taxidermist got done with it it was 188″ deer. It is a 12 pointer but had two stickers on one side that were deductions. And to top it off he supposedly has a twin brother that is still runnin down there. The largest racked deer I have seen killed in my life by far. Amazing to say the least. Will be workin hard on gettin pics up for you guys!!

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    i go to school in River Falls which is about 20 miles or so west and im dieing to find a place to bow hunt around there Nothing but agriculture fields and rolling ridges No wonder those deer get big around Ellsworth

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    Got an email today with a pic of a 196″ buck that was shot near Ellsworth Wisconsin. Don’t know how to post pics but hopefully someone will post a pic. It is a Dandy!!

    I sent you an email & a PM.

    Chippewa Falls,WI
    Posts: 554

    10 miles south of ellsworth that is. The property it was taken on has a 40 connected to it which doeswnt get hunted, and then next to that is the property that we hunt. There actually have been 4 big bruisers shot in the “valley” as we call it. That whole area has been in QDM for the last 10 years, and let me tell you from growing up hunting in northern minnesota with a group of guys that shoots just about anything to hunting down here for the last 8 years it is sure amazing at what a little practice of QDM and a little paitence allows you to see when in the woods. We have about a 3 mile square area down there that is in QDM and we have trail cam shots of about 11 buck’s between all the farms that are definate 3.5 to 5.5 year old bucks and definate shooters. The funny thing about this buck is that he never once showed up on anybodys trail cam once this year. He has been on camera the last 2 years and the only way we can tell is those 2 stickers on his one side.
    Sorry guys- once the wife gets home I will have the camera and get some pics of this bruiser up unless they are already up.

    Posts: 214

    Hope this works.

    Posts: 1564



    Posts: 87

    That thing looks part elk!

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    Call him Goliath!

    West Central Sconni
    Posts: 431

    those main beams are crazy heavy…

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    thats incredible Neck shot eh….

    West Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 244


    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    it sure looks a lot bigger then 190″ish. Congrats to the hunter

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    196 probably is close but with that mass, a little over 200 wouldn’t suprise me.

    Polk County WI
    Posts: 3

    WOW! That is the definition of a big bruiser, would love to see a buck try to take on that monster!

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    Holy crap!


    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    The mass on that buck is absolutely incredible! Congratulations to the hunter!

    On water
    Posts: 817


    i go to school in River Falls which is about 20 miles or so west and im dieing to find a place to bow hunt around there Nothing but agriculture fields and rolling ridges No wonder those deer get big around Ellsworth

    There is alot of not so good land around there too. Hunters with the brown it’s down mentality. Goes to show what can happen when a group of land owners join together and do some QDM.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466


    There is alot of not so good land around there too. Hunters with the brown it’s down mentality. Goes to show what can happen when a group of land owners join together and do some QDM.

    No good land around the RF area as far as big bucks??

    West Central Sconni
    Posts: 431


    There is alot of not so good land around there too. Hunters with the brown it’s down mentality. Goes to show what can happen when a group of land owners join together and do some QDM.

    wow, couldn’t have said it better myself…so true.

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946



    i go to school in River Falls which is about 20 miles or so west and im dieing to find a place to bow hunt around there Nothing but agriculture fields and rolling ridges No wonder those deer get big around Ellsworth

    There is alot of not so good land around there too. Hunters with the brown it’s down mentality. Goes to show what can happen when a group of land owners join together and do some QDM.

    Hey Kyle….
    My neighbors the Peterson’s had 14 deer down as of yesterday morning. With snow on the ground today…who knows how many more today. Of course they must have 12 to 14 hunters in the group including kids.

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