Thank you to all who replied to this post – positive and negative!
I really appreciate the help! That is all I was looking for – help! This site has now proven to be so much more to me than just learning modern hunting tactics, seeing others’ successes, and being able to keep in contact with other fellow outdoors folk! This site has helped me grow as an outdoorsman – and now as a person…
My intention was to never flare up any controversy, and especially start controversy with my family that I love very much. I thoroughly enjoy going home to spend time with them! I am fortunate that I am able to enjoy the great outdoors in the comfort of the family farm where I grew up. The farm has been in my family since my great grandfather came over from Sweden to build it!
With that being said, us Norwegians/Swedes are a bit stubborn…we always work things out, but we are sometimes hesitant to listen to others. My father owns the land I hunt on and I have always told him that he must do what he thinks is right. After all, he owns the land and us who hunt it should be grateful! 
I am very grateful and I admit that I’ve may have gotten overly “obsessed” with bringing out the potential of the property. I motivated my bro and bro-in-law to bowhunt the land with me, and I work to keep my father and uncle interested in the great outdoors. Maybe this is selfish because I have such great memories of spending time with them in our great outdoors!
I realize that no rack is worth losing the tight bind that we have as a family – NOTHING should come in between that! I was not looking for sympathy and I was definately not looking to “bash” my family members on their hunting tactics. I was simply looking to find direction – and with ALL of your help I have found it! 
We all have our own belief system and we are not all educated in the same way. However, we can learn from others! The situation presented to me last weekend was one that I wasn’t sure how to deal with. I was confused and felt very disrespected. I now know that the disrespect that I felt was real and that it is something that I need to talk to my family about! Remember that I DO NOT tell them how to hunt, but I do try to educate (Big Difference)! My family loves that I set up all of the stands, prepare all for the season(s), scout, share with them all of the pictures from the trail cams, and share with them all of my hunts. I too look forward to hearing about their hunts and enjoy learning from them!
I do not feel that it was wrong for me to feel disrespected. I do know that I need to calmly work this out with my family. I need to tell them how I feel and they need to tell me the same. We will find a “common ground” and keep on enjoying the great outdoors TOGETHER!!! 
Once again, thank you to ALL who replied and understand! I wish you all the best of luck in the field and on the water/ice!
Now go out and create some memories!!!