I had a horrible hunting experience this weekend back on the family farm back in Wisconsin with my dad, brother, brother-in-law, and uncle. I work hard and spend a lot of time and money year round in order to provide a successful hunting experience for ALL OF US! Bowhunting is my passion, but I also enjoy the commeradery of gun hunting. I’ve talked with my family about trying different tactics versus driving with no success. This weekend was a hard lesson learned for me…
I love to sit on stand all day at least for the first two days. I walk to my stand where I’m set-up 45 minutes before first light. I do not exit my stand until 45 minutes after last light. Personally, this is what I like to do to provide myself with the most success in the field. I DO NOT expect everyone else that I hunt with to do this – and they do not. They sit for 2-3 hours at a time and switch stands often. That’s fine with me and that’s what they like to do – I respect that! It would be nice if I got the same respect in return…
First of all in reference to deer drives… We have taken a couple of decent bucks and a number of does as the result of driving so it is a proven tactic that works. However, many deer have been missed, shot and never recovered, and wounded. It is also my belief that mature bucks do not tolerate drives and may disperse from the area indefinately. For this reason I do not like the driving tactic. To me, it is overused in our area and too often not used properly. I believe there are many other tactics that provide more of a chance for success (i.e. patterning, spot and stalk, still hunting…).
Sunday morning my dad said they were going to make some drives. I asked him if they would not drive the piece of property that I was hunting on. So…I hear them driving the entire property late morning, then at 11:30 they start driving behind me, to my left, in front of me, to my right, and even under my stand. They kicked a doe out of her bed – of which I spotted with my binoculars early in the morning. My dad shot and missed. She ran broadside to me at 155 yards. Minutes later my bro text me and said “what happened?”. I replied by saying “it’s hard to make an ethical shot at a deer that’s bounding and running 100 mph. That’s why I think driving is old school and overrated. It most likely would’ve came out later on it’s own”. He replied by saying “sounds like you’ll have to lease some land to do what you want with. This is more than just hunting its about family and commeradery to us”.
Then, about and hour later my bro and uncle set up a blind 100 yards to the side of me. They traveled up with their 4-wheelers three times before my uncle finally sat in the blind for the last hour of daylight.
To say the least, I felt (feel) used and disrespected. I would never do this to anybody! I’m lost for words and feel like I should do just what my bro said – find some other place to hunt. They would be lost without all of my strategically placed stands and not knowing what’s out there with no trail cameras or scouting… However, I do not want to do this as I love my fam and I have worked hard to making this a successful property for everyone! Commeradery to me is sharing the experiences and talking about what may come in the future – not disrespecting your fellow hunters or family!!!
I just don’t get it!?! Does anyone have any intelect or ideas for me…I could use it!