Some people are born butt holes.

  • fish_any_time
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097


    What would really be funny is if two people were on here complaining about the neighbor setting up on the fence and it turned out they were both complaining about each other.

    Yes, that might be amusing…

    In my case I’m not terribly upset. He has every right to be there. To me it’s similar to the herding of boats when fishing. If someone sees me on the lake away from the crowds catching fish when their not they are going to move over by me nine times out of ten. I don’t get angry, but I do expect them to have etiquette and be respectful. In the case of the new husband/neighbor, it’d been nice if he’d come over and introduced himself, shared a beverage while sitting around the fire and maybe talked to us about his intentions. Instead he put up his stands and somewhat insulted up by putting up the no trespassing signs that were obviously aimed at us. On top of it he threw salt into the wound by building a stand (pounding nails) on opening morning. AT this point the relation ship is what it is. We try to set a better example like when his nephew shot a deer that ran into our property two different times. Instead of telling him to pound sand and get out we helped retrieve the animal. It has worked out over the years but it’s definitely a dysfunctional relationship.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    So, let me ask this question. You build a stand on your side of the fence, but right near the fence, and then you get pissed at the neighbor for doing the same thing? Granted, I understand that it sucks if you were there first, but, isn’t the neighbor doing exactly the same thing as you are?


    Plain and simple here in my case. We have used their land to provide deer to us as well. These guys are not the land owners, they just have permission to hunt. My thoughts are they just figured it must be a good spot if we had a stand there. We have this stand about 40 yards down the fenceline where the cornfield meets woodline. The deer jump the fence from our woods into our corn, and look around for a bit before venturing in to the cut corn. MANY times a buck will come by and sniff things out. Looking at the corn standing in the neighbors field, it appears their intentions are pretty clear.

    I think next weekend (Last weekend of deer in zone 1) we will go goose hunting in that field!!!

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