Some people are born butt holes.

  • chris-tuckner
    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Others like these jerks have to work at it! I am sitting in my stand right now, and this is what greets me only mere yards away! My son came in yesterday all P.O.’d saying that these guys on our neighbors land set up camp right next to his stand. Now maybe it’s just me, but a double wide ladder stand does stick out a bit. Especially when you darn near PARK in it! We have had a stand in this spot for 33 years now! We don’t have a whole lot of land here, so we sneak out quietly to try to keep deer in our woods. Well you guessed it, ‘Ol Roy Rogers here comes riding in on his 4 wheeler at prime time! Parks right under the stand.

    The only recourse I had was the fact I had beer and venison last night, and a staming bowl of oatmeal this morning. The toxic plume wafting his way sent him in about 10 AM. I just smiled.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    What a dick.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    REALLY?!?!?!? you think he’s gonna get a shot at a deer ABOVE standing corn??? Every time he would look your way i would have him. Sorry about that chief

    Posts: 29

    I was out this morning hunting on a small public spot near my son and I bow hunt. After I got down from my stand I went to were my son had his stand to bring down so he had it for gun season and found that it had beed taken, there were veh. tracks leading right to the tree, about a 1/2 mile from the road. I wish I would have been out there when that happened!

    Posts: 29

    wouldnt ya just love to tie a rope on one leg and take off with that stupid wheeler..

    Posts: 8

    Some people are so intelligent they naturally rise to the top.

    Posts: 131

    Instead of a jack in the box. Its a butthole in the box.
    Had the same thing happen to me a neihbor came and sat out 100 yds from me always 1 hour after shooting than he would come out about three for the night hunt.
    Heres your sign.

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    Some people just don’t get it!!! unbelievable

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    All’s well that ends well. I had my son go to a little used stand on the north east corner of our land that I had a good feeling about. I told him he would get a deer there. (Man I hoped so for his sake! ) He ended up getting a very nice doe. It was all I could do to not drive past the “Dork in the box” and show it off.

    Milan IL
    Posts: 804

    Iam absolutley obsessed with hunting deer and i swear that is the kind of stuff that will make me quit one of these days.I went out today to the private ground that I will be hunting friday on our shotgun season to find that my tree stand was stolen, seems like every year there is more hunters less ground availible and more headaches it realy starts taking alot of the fun out of it. I know its probaly pointless tuck but mabey you could talk to them and explain that they set up right on top of you guys and see if they have any class and go somewhere else.

    Milan IL
    Posts: 804

    Glad it worked out for him, That is a big doe!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I will talk to the neighbor who gave them permission after the season. They have 200 acres to hunt. He didn’t need to be there.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Every year I hear and witness first hand situations like this. Makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. I believe Am Watson had a post once reguarding these type of people and it drove him to sell off his hunting equipment and give up hunting. I feel his pain and hope it never comes to this but sounds like TOO MANY people like this ruin it for TRUE SPORTSMAN.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I like how you say dork in the box Tuck, it only takes one. One of the first things I do is check out the trees to see if theres any old stands in them, did he even look around twards your direction? Sounds like he had blinders on or tunnel vision.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Good to hear the boy still ended up sticking one.

    But what a jerk. He sure has some good back cover and he is not skylining himself at all.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    Hunters as ‘stealthy’ as jack in the box should be weeded out of the herd. Unfortunately, he is doing nothing illegal, but I believe that stupidity is very close.

    Here’s my similar story…We had a permanent wooden stand right next to a line fence and always had good luck. Then the neighbors built a stand less than 10 yards from the one we had, but on their side of the fence. Very classy. But they did come to find that the ‘squirrels’ were very hard on their stand and it only stayed up for a few years.


    it’s hunter harrasement call the CO next time. I had to use the tip line last night after I witnessed a real genius, pull his truck over, slide over to the passenger seat and fire a shot out the window, he killed a doe on private property. Property I have asked for permission to hunt every year for 5 years, and I am always told “no we let no one hunt because people are careles, and disrespectful.” Now I know why. Took the plate # down, location of the offense, and gave them my name and # so I will go to court and testify against this loser if neede. I’m sure he got a visit last night from the local CO, we’ll see what happens.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    glad to hear it . hopefully something will com eof it. Do we think this will be followed up on? just curious.


    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 161

    I had a guy who bought 25 acres next to the private land I hunt come on my 60 acres and tear down two of my stands for me. I found him up there one night and he told me I needed to get off of his land and I needed to get the rest of the stands out of there. After a not so friendly discussion he came back the next day and said he realized after looking over some things that I was right and he kindly removed the stands he put up. I never received compensation for the stands he tore down though. Some people just amaze me.


    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097


    Here’s my similar story…We had a permanent wooden stand right next to a line fence and always had good luck. Then the neighbors built a stand less than 10 yards from the one we had, but on their side of the fence. Very classy. But they did come to find that the ‘squirrels’ were very hard on their stand and it only stayed up for a few years.

    Yep, we’ve also had the same type of thing happen. The property we hunt has an old fence/property line that runs 80 acres deep into the woods. We built 3 stands along it and had been successful. The widow who owns the 120 to the south remarried about 10 years back. After the seconds season the new husband builds a new stand within 50 yards of each of our existing stands while even constructing one opening morning. He then puts up no trespassing signs alonf the fence line facing our property. Every day AT shooting time he comes out on the wheeler with a 5 gallon bucket of “bird seed”.

    He does have every right to do build the stands and the signs, but he was just a butt hole in the way he went about it.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    Man i hope i don’t have run ins or stories like all you guys have when i reach that age

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    This is why I sold all of my deer hunting gear a number of years ago. The only hunting I do any more is duck. And that’s because I can get away from other hunters if I work hard enough. Most guys won’t pull threw 100 to 300 yards of cattails. Un fortunatly my back isn;t going to allow that abuse for long. I’m not sure what I’ll do after that. It’s said that hunting etiquete is gone.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22926

    I was always curious, if a guy puts a stand on a property line, that he doesn’t have permission to hunt, doesn’t that cut your hunting area to 50% ??? Or will it be, if I can see it, it’s mine ??? A step further, a guy puts it on a corner, where he can hunt 1/4 of what he can see, then what ??? Curious why people do this. I know guys that set-up along a field edge, where they don’t have permission to hunt the field, but 90% of the deer they take, come off the field !!!

    big G

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698


    Good job DeanoB!!! Put out a post as to the results of you calling TIP. It could give someone else who reads it the confidence to make that call vs. not making it!!

    Way to go DeanoB! You should have tried to poach a few of his tires too

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885


    I was always curious, if a guy puts a stand on a property line, that he doesn’t have permission to hunt, doesn’t that cut your hunting area to 50% ??? Or will it be, if I can see it, it’s mine ??? A step further, a guy puts it on a corner, where he can hunt 1/4 of what he can see, then what ??? Curious why people do this. I know guys that set-up along a field edge, where they don’t have permission to hunt the field, but 90% of the deer they take, come off the field !!!

    big G

    In the years past I hunted a corner of a small property with my bow for 4 years. The deer walked on this property for about 20 yards, just cutting the corner of the property. I shot 4, big racked 135″-150″ bucks on that corner. I knew they walked it like that, so I hunted it.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097


    I was always curious, if a guy puts a stand on a property line, that he doesn’t have permission to hunt, doesn’t that cut your hunting area to 50% ??? Or will it be, if I can see it, it’s mine ??? A step further, a guy puts it on a corner, where he can hunt 1/4 of what he can see, then what ??? Curious why people do this. I know guys that set-up along a field edge, where they don’t have permission to hunt the field, but 90% of the deer they take, come off the field !!!

    big G

    In our case we put up stands at funnel or pinch points; edge of a swamp, a knoll with a small pine grove and a small creek. The deer are shot when either coming or leaving our property.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22926



    I was always curious, if a guy puts a stand on a property line, that he doesn’t have permission to hunt, doesn’t that cut your hunting area to 50% ??? Or will it be, if I can see it, it’s mine ??? A step further, a guy puts it on a corner, where he can hunt 1/4 of what he can see, then what ??? Curious why people do this. I know guys that set-up along a field edge, where they don’t have permission to hunt the field, but 90% of the deer they take, come off the field !!!

    big G

    In the years past I hunted a corner of a small property with my bow for 4 years. The deer walked on this property for about 20 yards, just cutting the corner of the property. I shot 4, big racked 135″-150″ bucks on that corner. I knew they walked it like that, so I hunted it.

    That’s exactly what I am talking about, say one is walking behind you, on the other side, did you wait to see if it will come across ??? I only ask this, becuase what you described, is exactly what I had going at my old place, they cut my corner constantly. I bet I took a dozen deer, in that little corner. I had persmission to hunt what was on the eastside and the southside, so it wasn’t a big deal if they came behind me. Just wondering what others do, as I know I would of had a hardtime, not pluuging a Poper right behind me…

    big G

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Thanks for posting that Mendotaeye. I struggle with the same ideas. Myself and two neighbors have an eye on 40 acres in N. Wisconsin. It borders a large tract of public land and another tract of paper mill land.

    I have no doubt that when we go up there the 2nd weekend of WI season to check it out (try before you buy) that we will:
    1) Find existing stands
    2) See other hunters in the public and paper mill land who have been there forever.
    3) See hunters hunting our land corners.

    I hope we are allowed to fit into the mix and not have some of the things done as mentioned above. One corner of this land borders private land. What if we get up there and there’s a permanent stand there right in the corner. Are we obligated to not hunt with a 1-2 acre arc? I would think it would make sense to put a stand right next to the existing one, not to cut the guy off but to limit the area in which there is a hunter. If you give the current stand space, you increase the area in which you (and the other hunter) could be scaring off potential deer.

    I’d rather hang a stand right next to the current one and then when he shoots a deer, reach over the fence line and give him a high five!

    Am I wrong?

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792


    I’d rather hang a stand right next to the current one and then when he shoots a deer, reach over the fence line and give him a high five!

    Am I wrong?

    That would be freaking hilarious.

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