Others like these jerks have to work at it! I am sitting in my stand right now, and this is what greets me only mere yards away! My son came in yesterday all P.O.’d saying that these guys on our neighbors land set up camp right next to his stand.
Now maybe it’s just me, but a double wide ladder stand does stick out a bit.
Especially when you darn near PARK in it!
We have had a stand in this spot for 33 years now! We don’t have a whole lot of land here, so we sneak out quietly to try to keep deer in our woods. Well you guessed it, ‘Ol Roy Rogers here comes riding in on his 4 wheeler at prime time!
Parks right under the stand.
The only recourse I had was the fact I had beer and venison last night, and a staming bowl of oatmeal this morning. The toxic plume wafting his way sent him in about 10 AM. I just smiled.