what’s happening deer movement?

  • abster71
    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    I know the weather has been bad but wondering what everone’s views are on the rut. I haven’t seen any signs of anything except no scrape activety. Still seeing does and fawns together. What’s going on in SW WI? Thanks confused

    Posts: 44

    From what i have been seeing in southern Minnesota the rut is on.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    I hadn’t seen any good rut activity until Sunday afternoon of last weekend. Then I’ve been seeing lots of deer on my way into work this week so I’m thiking they are moving now! Hopefully they continue this weekend!

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 52

    I havent seen much movement at all compared to previous years, Ive hunted for 15 days in a row now and Ive seen 5 little bucks, some were following does grunting but I havent seen any hard chasing, I’m not seeing much for deer period. Last year at this point I’d seen well over a dozen bucks and the rut seemed to be winding down about this time then. My best stand where I saw 10 bucks over 3 days last year I have seen 2 bucks this year in about a half dozen sits. I dont know what the deal is.


    no one is seeing movement because the bucks are shacked up tight with the does…in the SE, it’s full blown rut, but will start winding down now. Many reports that rattling has been the best tactic to fill the tag, the bucks have come running in looking for a fight. I had a brute come charging in stop at 50 yards behind some brush, spot a doe, and he was gone.

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