What Would be a good scope for my 3030

  • happycampin
    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 667

    I have a .30.30 and hunt up in orr and was woundering what would be a good scope for it? And i bear hunt so it would really come in handy in low light situations.

    SSP, MN
    Posts: 234

    3-9×32 Would be just right. If you go with a fixed I would say 4×32.

    Posts: 29

    30yds why even bother with a scope.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Thats what I was thinking, A 30-30 is a brushgun and designed for bear hunting anyway so why a scope for 30 yrds.

    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 363

    I have a 30-30. I tried a scope. I didn’t like it at all.
    Most of my shots are within 50 yards, so why bother.

    It’s just another thing that can go wrong. If you can’t hit at 30 yards, you should spend some hours at a range before sitting in the stand. If it’s too dark to see your target or your sights, you probably shouldn’t shoot.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    With the idea of 50 yards and in along with the occasional poke out to 75 yards this would be my selection of scope for my lever action 30 30.

    Why a scope on a .30 .30…..the older I get the less definition and light is picked up from my God given peepers, a little help from Leupold is always welcomed in my book

    There is no need for great magnification when shooting at 50 yards that is why I choose the 2.5×28.

    MY Choice

    West Central Sconni
    Posts: 431

    that sounds like a good decision on the lower powered scope. I have a Savage .270, I should have a 3-9 or a 3-12 on it right? Well I hunt in some thick crap and rarely shoot more than 50 yards… so I have a 1.5-4.5 sighted in at 50 yards.

    let us know how sighting-in goes!

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12559

    Unlikle some of the others I’d say go with a scope. I would stick with a fixed 4 power or a low powered variable like a 1.5-5 or 2-7. I have a 375 Winchester lever action with a 1.5-6 Bushnell banner light sight that has served me well for almost 20 years now. I can not count how many time I’ve made a clean kill due to the use of this scope. I’m not sure if bushnell still makes the light sight series of scope. This scope has a switch which turns on a small red dot in the center of the crosshair. To me the light gathering of a scope alone is worth it. You can always mount it using a see thru mount so you still have access to your open sights if needed. In the 20 years I’ve used this set up I’ve only used the open sights once. Go with a scope!!!!

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 667

    I can knock them dead with my open sights. But when bear hunting in low light i thought it would be great. And i dont shoot after legal shotting time. I know how to tell time but my spelling is what i need a little work on

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I didn’t think about the eye issue, that makes sense. Im an older guy and sometimes need magnafication so I can also see where it dosen’t hurt, plus you can shoot out to a couple hundred yards if needed.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I am far sighted as heck. I cannot see the back post of an open sight, or the crosshairs of some scopes without reading glasses. The ultradot evens the playing field for me.

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