• gobbler
    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    The past weekend I had a chance to go hunting w/ my uncles over gun opener and let me tell you it was quiet the experience.

    First, a little background to this story is necessary before I get started. This is the first time in 15-16 yrs that I have hunted w/ them. I started my hunting career w/ them when I was 12-15 yrs old and ended up not deer hunting again until I was 20 because of the bad taste that they put in my mouth w/ “grown men stuff” that I didn’t understand.

    So, here I am, 31 yrs old and hunting w/ the uncles again…. Only this time they were asking me questions and actually listening. Since, I haven’t gun hunted in 8 yrs and have a few nice bucks w/ my bow the past 3-4 yrs, it was really nice to get respect from them. I was able to put up a portable on there property away from where they were hunting and try to give them pointers on things to look for such as pinch points and natural funnels.

    Opening morning starts out well. I sit in the stand for 3 hrs and have 5 deer w/in in 15 yards. I was waiting for a mature doe to walk by alone before I would consider shooting, which didn’t happen. So, back to the hunting shack to meet up w/ them and talk about the morning sit.

    After a couple of hours of sitting at the shack I end up walking the property w/ one of my uncles and help him move a ladder stand to where he was seeing deer that morning. I tell him that I plan on moving my stand to a diff location for the evening sit. This is when the story starts getting interesting.

    I walk out in a cut/plowed wheat field and head to the North end of the property. There was a good trail on our side of the fence and I found a perfect tree right outside of a bedding area and right where it met up with the corner of the neighbor’s property woodlot. As I’m walking I see a hunter 250 yards north of the fence line in a Box Stand right in the middle of an uncut hay field. He clearly sees me and I continue the additional 50 yards to put my stand up.

    Fast forward an hour and I see 3 deer coming my way, nothing special, just 2 fawns and a small 6 pt. I notice that one fawn had been hit high in the right shoulder and decide to shoot her if I get the chance. As luck would have it all 3 deer cross the fence line to my side and stop at 6 yards, one of them knows something isn’t right and quickly heads back the way they came, the others follow. I didn’t have a shot on my side and had to watch her limp away even though I had 2 shots opportunities at her and didn’t take either because she was 3-5 yards past the property I was hunting.

    At approximately 4:45-50 I hear a loud shot and it’s clearly from the hunter in the box stand. I put my binocs up and see a doe running at full speed across the field and her path will bring her directly between the Box Stand and me. The hunter in the box stand fires a second shot, the deer continues to run and is now almost directly between the 2 of us. I can see the hunter following her with his gun and could tell that he was going to keep on shooting, I hug the tree and watch in disbelief as he shoots a 3rd shot when the deer is directly in line with me, he misses again and the deer runs to the wood edge and stops, he fires a 4th time and finally hits her.

    At this moment I didn’t know what to think…. thank my lucky stars, change my underwear, or come un-glued to the other hunter? I decide to wave my hands in the air like “what in the “f” do you think you are doing?” I was in disbelief and didn’t go over and say a thing.

    When I get back to camp after the eventful evening I let my uncles know what happened to me out there. They said they appreciated that I didn’t go and say something to “THAT GUY”. The problem is that I don’t feel like I did the right thing by not saying something to the other hunter. At the same time I don’t want to start a land war w/ my uncle’s neighbors when I might only hunt up there 2-3 days a year.

    Which brings me to this?
    When you can see the fire coming out of a gun directly at you and you feel like your life has been in danger, it’s not a fun feeling. I want “THAT GUY” to know that a deer is not worth it, think before you pull the trigger, and be aware of your surroundings.

    I feel very fortunate that I wasn’t shot (this is a rifle zone) and for the first time since I started bow hunting, I was uncomfortable w/ sitting in tree stand and thought to myself; “that I may not hunt during gun season because of the idiot hunters out there like this.”

    I’m just glad I’m able to write about it

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    It was probably best for you to say nothing. Better to be shot ‘towards’ than shot ‘at’! I wonder if that’s why your uncles never stood where you put the stand up?

    It does really burn a person up when there are ‘hunters’ like this in the woods.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    I give you credit Gobbler – I don’t know if I could have restrained myself from not confronting the guy. That would have probably put me over the edge. Not like I would go punch the guy out but believe me I would have made him fully aware the danger he inflicted upon me.

    Please don’t use this terrible experience and give up rife hunting with your Uncles. I hear so many people say that after one bad situation and then never rifle hunt again. There’s always going to be a “that guy” out there – in the woods, on the highway, driving a boat etc… You are in a tough spot because it’s not your land and you did the right thing. It sounds like your Uncles have a history with this guy and put up with him. That’s unfortunate, no one should put up with those senseless actions and he should be spoken to by whoever owns the land you are hunting on.

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Picco I feel fo you..that is ONE of the reasons I have gone bow only and hunt only land I know who is hunting near me. Ya you may get a better chance at that wall hanger with the gun but there is less satifisfaction in my opinion and you dont have to dodge bullets . Good to hear the didnt get you …Jay


    I applaude you on keeping your cool.

    I have had a few instances over the past few years that were totally uncalled for when the rifles get brought out. (Guy pointing his rifle scope up at me in a tree to try and identify who I was, bullet clipping the treetops above my head, getting fired towards when fishing pool 4 for walleyes )

    As a fairly hot tempered person, I’m suprised I havent stuck “that guys” gun up his for something so irresponsible, but ive managed to keep my cool so far.

    They way I see it, If a guy can’t figure out what the hell he’s shooting at in the first place, what makes me think that he’s acutally gonna get a clue when I call him on his irresponsibility. Simply put, some people are lost for life.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Aren’t there any reckless discharge of a firearm laws in MN? Sorry, this guy needs turned into the law. I don’t care what beef it starts with my family’s land. They should understand it could be their funeral you have to attend. Without a doubt this person should be reprimanded eith by the law or the old school.

    Very sorry to hear you got put into this situation. As you may be able to tell, I’ve been there and have no tolerance for idiots with guns.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    I hear ya, but the way the laws are I really think that the game warden has to basically photograph or witness an act to do anything about it.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    That doesn’t surprise me. Most laws protect the criminals now days. I guess that is when the old school way has to come into play. I do like Moss’s idea of public humiliation.

    Posts: 596

    That is exactly why I only bow hunt these days. My dilemma is my son who is entering the hunting age and wants to rifle hunt. I only have access to public land and really am not to excited to have him out there with some of these morons. Nice job keeping your cool!

    Posts: 44

    Yeah one of my first years deer hunting when i was 12 or 13 years old i was in a fence line and people in the same section as me were shooting at a deer and I could here the slugs hitting the ground around me. I laid down in the fence line hoping i would make it out alive. Since then I have gone only once. The last 7 or 8 years I have only bow hunted which i like a lot better anyways

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 341

    Two words……..


    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466


    Two words……..


    sunrise mn
    Posts: 542

    I know I would have said something to “That Guy”

    Land war or not That just is plain stupid a guy who could clearly see you shooting your direction. um ……

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337


    I give you credit Gobbler – I don’t know if I could have restrained myself from not confronting the guy. That would have probably put me over the edge. Not like I would go punch the guy out but believe me I would have made him fully aware the danger he inflicted upon me.

    X 2 Cooler heads prevail in a case like this! It just brings me back to what happened near Rice Lake a couple years ago! Not saying that would happen, but one never knows!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    In your situation, it is really up to the land owners to take care of that situation. I would have told my uncles and let them take it up with “that guy”. Hopefully when the time is right and no one has a gun in their hand they will mention it to him. What he did is clearly wrong but that was not the time to discuss it.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    In your situation, it is really up to the land owners to take care of that situation.

    Sorry I have to disagree here, he defiantly did the right thing by not confronting him then and there while both of them had guns, and he did the right thing by talking with his uncles first but if it were me I would have been really upset if I was told to let it go, he had lead flying at him for crying out loud he has every right to talk to the guy no matter who’s land it is. With that said I would wait and cool down first and then go talk to the guy and let him know that lead was flying in my direction and that I feared for my life. I would hope that if you talked to the guy in a calm manner he would take it better and be more careful in the future.

    Posts: 12

    That stinks, it just does, next time, if there is one, take a proactive approach, take a shot into a tree or something that will stop the bullet, the noise might have turned the deer and kept you out of the line of fire. No one wants to be in that situation, but if “that guy” didnt care about your safety, then at that very moment, deer should be that last thing on your list of priorities. I wouldn’t shoot at him, or just in the air, as that is wreckless, but I’ve seen deer turn after hearing shots ahead of them. Call it defensive hunting, not very fun and the reason why I dont hunt the shotgun seasons here in IA, and rarely in NJ when I lived there….good luck..

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