Team 14

  • Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    Archery doe harvested on 11/09.

    I was watching deer move/feed from first light but they were on private property that I don’t have permission to hunt. So sitting there wishing/hoping they would move my way playing the scenarios out in my head where the shooting lanes are, how to stop them and so on. I see my buddy Sauger from the site walking slowly down the trial. I give him a wave and the stop signal with my hand, luckily he was able to see the big brown chopper mitt I had on my left hand, he stopped and got to watch the scene play out.

    This doe started working my way. Well after sitting still for almost 2 hours, the body didn’t want to move so well. I was sitting down, with my bow on my knee breaking up my profile and she was ever so slowly working my way.

    I finally had an opportunity for a good shot, I let the arrow fly and miss…. How in the heck did I miss??? Well she trots off, directly at sauger, stops and then comes right back down the trail right to me. I’m at full draw, stop her, and let it fly. Slight quartering to me but the entrance is good, I’m feeling confident about the shot.

    She takes off like a bolt and is running right at Sauger again, I thought she was going to bull right over him, but she turned at the last minute.

    Sauger comes over, I climb out of the tree and go over what just happened. Grab my miss arrow, well it turns out I didn’t miss, there was a little hair on the broadhead, looked at the dangling stick I must have hit, cussed at the stick and walked out.

    After letting her sit for an hour we found her, about 80 yards from the stand.

    Got her back to the trucks, looked over her to see where the fist arrow scraped, well we found it. There was a hole in her right ear, and a big slice on the top of her head… How in the world did the arrow deflect in that direction……

    So now the boys have another nickname for me…..


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Nicely done Ritt. Way to stick (get it STICK) with it.

    Nice read and Conrgrats on the skinhead!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Congrats…maybe you should dress warmer next time, you wouldn’t get so cold or atleast zip your jacket up

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Congrats Jamie! BTW – You are the first person that I know that actually gave a deer a haircut with a broadhead before harvesting it!

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440


    Congrats Jamie! BTW – You are the first person that I know that actually gave a deer a haircut with a broadhead before harvesting it!

    Thats why we now call him Jami “the barber” Ritter. I watched the whole thing unfold.I can’t believe it walked right back to him.But on a good note I got to watch him put a great shot on her.Nice work buddy!! Sausage party tonight!!!!

    Posts: 364

    Good shootin’ BUZZ

    Jami “the barber” Ritter

    Dang…sauger beat me to it

    3 for 3 for the short fat kids on Sunday Or 3 for 4 I guess

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    ha ha ha, well I didn’t have all of my clothes on when the picture was taken, trying to manage scent control….

    Cause I’m fat and sweat alot pulling deer out of the woods by hand..

    Posts: 364


    Cause I’m fat


    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066



    Cause I’m fat


    Right back at you….

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213



    Congrats Jamie! BTW – You are the first person that I know that actually gave a deer a haircut with a broadhead before harvesting it!

    Thats why we now call him Jami “the barber” Ritter. I watched the whole thing unfold.I can’t believe it walked right back to him.But on a good note I got to watch him put a great shot on her.Nice work buddy!! Sausage party tonight!!!!

    ya only you guys would call it that

    Nice lookin deer Ritter maybe my drunk dials brought ya luck after all!

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 301

    Nice deer Ritter


    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Congrats Jami!
    oooops I mean BUZZ!

    Posts: 10

    good job buzz..

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