Dozens of MN hunters penalized for deer baiting

  • Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    From Todays LAX Tribune:

    MINNEAPOLIS (AP) Authorities have fined and even confiscated the guns of dozens of Minnesota deer hunters who illegally used bait during last weekend’s opener.

    In the Hibbing area alone, 11 hunters were cited and four had their guns seized last weekend.
    The Department of Natural Resources has stepped up efforts to snuff out deer baiting, which has been illegal since 1991 but continues to be widespread. Officials say baiting is unethical, and leads deer to congregate in tight herds, which can speed the spread of disease.

    Deer baiters are risking more than just fines and losing their guns. A second big-game violation in the next three years could result in the loss of hunting privileges.

    Posts: 364


    That evening, he caught a hunter with his two young sons, using grain and molasses to lure the animals

    What a role model

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    For everyone they catch there is 10 more doing it

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    My concern with this is that these guys will soon make it illegal to plant food plots because of their actions. Each year the rules get tighter and tigher on baiting. Pretty soon wildlife plantings will be illegal.

    I put hundreds of hours into my foodplots each year and continue to expand them each year. Since we manage our deer, they have come to rely on them in tough winters. I would rather see fines increased big time for guys that get caught instead of the state making the laws more strict.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Yes, but it’s one less. No different than policing the meat hogs on P4 in the spring and fall. We can only help ourselves.

    Posts: 48

    Just curious because we can bait in WI. but what is the ethical differance between throwing corn on the ground or planting a 1/2 acre food plot.To me they seem to serve the same purpose, now that never excuses people for doing it illegaly but I see alot of faces when people talk about baiting, and I wonder if these are the same people planting food plots and using every advantage that is made legal.I am not dissing that point, if I can shoot deer easier and cleaner with the next new invention I will. All I am saying is if you are planting “crops” in an area less than 1 acre, than you are baiting, and ethicly and moraly you are the same as the molases guy, only legally are you differant.

    Grasston, MN
    Posts: 281

    Locoarcher has hit the nail on the head in my opinion. Its not baiting because its hanging from the stock? I dont by that either…. I eat three deer a year no matter what they look like.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 756

    In Manitoba, food plots are considered baiting and are illegal. Doesn’t WI limit the amount of bait you can have on the ground or something like that? I’m willing to bet that the people that were caught didn’t just have a bucket or two on the ground, they were hunting corn piles. Not that it makes it anymore or less ethical. IMO if it’s legal and you choose to do it, so be it. I remember seeing arial pictures last year from the star-trib of some people that were caught. Looked like they dumped an entire grain cart in spots.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    The difference between throwing corn on the ground and planting food plots is that you can’t grow a food plot in the middle of the woods in a bunch of trees or in a swamp. You can’t pick up and move your food plot to where you want it.

    As I said earlier, I put a ton of time and effort into our food plots so that our deer can eat year around, not just 1 week while the gun season is going. Above is an example of one of my plots. Both the Corn and Rape stay until spring planting the beans on the other end are already all eaten up. Food plots either 1 acre or 10 acres all help. 1 acre of corn can feed a lot of deer and turkey over the winter.

    Deer prefer corn on the ground over corn on the stalk, which is much harder for them to each.

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