Neck shot update

  • protourbaits
    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    that is a beautiful deer kevin .

    Wild, I totally 100% agree w/ you on rage. I too shoot a three piece broadhead and will never go to anything else! I am a firm believer in pass throughs and i don’t think rage do it. Sure they have a big entry hole, but i have never heard of a broad head that has performed so badly as rage. That is MO and i know a lot of guys on here shoot the 2 and 3 blade and that is fine Im just agreeing w/ a fellow IDO member about them

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    That is a bruiser Kevin. I won’t care if I looked cool or not, I would have been running like the wind to get to that buck!


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Nice deer Kevin and great story.

    Wild and Pro Tour. I think the thing to remember there is different things work in different set ups. What works out of my bow, is not necessarily the best for yours. Since I have switched to the Rages, there is no doubt my penetration has increased and I have seen more pass thru’s compared to my old broad heads. We must remember broad head is not the only factor to consider when talking about penetration. The Rages shoot very well out of my set up. The entry hole on the Rage is good but the exit hole is even better. I have not had a deer (5 total) make it pass 75 yards when I have used the Rage. I have had all excellent experiences this far using them and I will continue to use them. Now when it comes to your set up, use what ever you have confidence in, but to say that the Rages are bad or horrible for everyone else set up, is just not True.

    West Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 244

    I agree on the Rage broadheads. A lot of people I know are saying they lost deer this year, myself included but is it fair to blame the broadhead if you missed the boiler-room? I wish I had pictures of the blood trail my buck left. I’m thinking some people might consider switching back to aluminum arrows if penetration is an issue. This is a subject we could talk about until we are blue in the face but what matters is what the individual likes. As for myself I’ll keep using Rage.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    That was going to be one of my questions. What arrows are these guys using with these broadheads?? Seems like your penetration would be direclty affected by this factor as much or more than the broadhead. Of course, shot placement is everything.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22926

    Nice Buck Kevin And welcome to IDO Keep em coming

    big G

    West Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 244

    Thanks to everyone for welcoming me aboard. It’s nice to have a place where we can share our passion!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I keep going back to look at that deer! Nice buck Kevin, and welcome!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t like expandables. Comparing expandables to expandables is kinda silly IMO…..They all are designed to open on contact based on head penetration, ( ) and fixed are fixed. I feel a fixed blade goes in and either passes through nice or if it does hit a hard area has alot better chance of deflecting and keeps on moving through.
    No doubt with a fleshy hit, the expandables just plain rip, I shoot them in late season at does and they make nasty wounds, but with a hit into a harder area, those big old blades hanging there have alot more area to grab and pull that arrow sideways taking pressure off the head and letting the arrow deflect sideways and not make it through. IMO. I have heard too many stories of expandables and non recovered deer. For those of you with great % now, I think its only a matter of time until you make a questionable shot and the expandable will show its weakness.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466


    . Comparing expandables to expandables is kinda silly IMO…..They all are designed to open on contact based on head penetration, ( ) and fixed are fixed

    Most companies design expandables differently!! way of blade deployment, over the top expandables, cut on contact tips, slayer tips, rear deploying, etc. No not all expandables are the same!! over the top expandables have a greater chance of not opening and more deflection on hard angled shots. Look at the difference between a Rocket Sidewinder and a Tekan 2 or a Rocky Mountain Snyper Sidewinders along w/ most if not all Rocket broadheads are over the top expandables. They are designed to open up “fully” as the arrow penetrates the animal. Not the same as Snypers or Tekans. Rear deploying opens the blades basically on contact creating devastating entry holes. Sidewinders have a slayertip, and not a cut on contact tip like a Snyper or a Tekan or Tekan 2. A huge difference and a pretty important decision when it comes to making a choice

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    I get your drift. don’t matter to me. Expandables do one one thing and fixed another.

    Posts: 29

    WEll said!

    Posts: 214

    As an outsider looking in at compound archery, it seems that all the hype I see advertised is about SPEED. The lighter arrows will get you more fps and if you are trying to get the most speed out of your bow you sacrifice penetration. Use a heavier arrow and don’t worry about that extra FPS.

    Posts: 1007

    Plain and simple, SHOT PLACEMENT. 3 blade rage through two shoulder blades on a doe, with complete pass through, sat night. 2 blade rage entered right in front of the rear left quarter, penetrated entire body length exiting front right shoulder of doe last night, complete pass through. 27″ ACC out of a Drenalin @ 70#. I have shot way too many deer with expandables to have anybody tell me they don’t work, or rage are a bad head. I have killed deer with Spitfire, Spitfire XP Pro, Grim Reaps, Tekan’s, Tekan II’s, Rage 2, Rage 3, and as an experiment Eastman over the top heads that cost $1.50, yes $1.50 each. The only deer (1) that I have lost with these heads is one where I pulled the shot. If you do YOUR job, the head WILL do it’s job. Period.

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