So I read the post someone put up last week about neck shots and I didnt really have an opinion until today. My brother in law woke me up at 9:30 am(I work third shift) and said he shot a huge 9 pointer and wanted me to help look for it. On the way out there he said he shot it in the neck with his rage 3 blade and found the arrow not far from the hit with very minimal blood. We tracked a decent blood trail for at least 500 yards and we found where he bedded down and the blood was all clotty . We didnt find one more spec of blood after that and we stayed for five hours looking. I have to say I would never in a million years shoot one in the neck with a bow. I know it can be fatal but there is to much possibility for a mistake or a fleshy wound. As for the rage , it did not expand fully and that to me is as good as a fail. Believe me I have seen the carnage that rage do but one mistake is not worth it to me , Ill still with the g5’s.
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Deer Hunting » Neck shot update
Neck shot update
November 10, 2008 at 11:59 pm #42587
i have heard of about 5 or 6 deer so far this year now that have been hit with rages and havent been found.
November 11, 2008 at 12:03 am #42588Never have been a real big fan of expandables. To much of a liability.
November 11, 2008 at 12:08 am #42589there are good expandables like Snypers, Tekan 2 and Grim Reapers but not rage’s
sure some people have had good luck w/ them, but most people i talk to don’t
Yes the shot is not a good one, but i blame mostly it on the broad head
November 11, 2008 at 3:33 am #42601Thanks for the follow up, Loco. I think I’ll side with everyone else and pass on the neck shot with the bow. As for the gun shot to the neck: two for two this weekend
Posts: 596November 11, 2008 at 4:05 am #42605I’ve never considered a neck shot with a bow very ethical regardless of what broadhead you might shoot. Seems to me that’s more of the issue here??
November 11, 2008 at 2:50 pm #42627Not even going there with this one blaming it on the rage lol have your opinion on that and say the others are better or whatever but shot placement is the KEY and the broadhead does the rest….saying the grim reaper or other broadhead would have done the job or been better is simply a joke
November 11, 2008 at 3:08 pm #42631i never said another broadhead would have killed the deer…the broadheads that i mentioned would have opened unlike the reputation of rage, possibly giving the guy a little more blood or actually killing the deer. Ive watched videos of guys like Stan Potts and Eddy Salter shoot a deer in the neck and they go quite a ways but soon bleed out or go 30 yards and drop. Im not saying its a good shot or a bad shot…but when a broadhead doesn’t open, your chances of having more blood go way down
November 11, 2008 at 3:13 pm #42635I’m pretty sure my muzzy would’ve been fully expanded at the time of impact.
but too bad for your buddy,, I agree in that it’s much more about placement,hopefully others will see this story and not take that same shot..
ps, it’s snowing in Central MN right now and I have the next 3 days off!!!!
November 11, 2008 at 3:54 pm #42646I made the switch from G5’s to Rage’s this past weekend. Ended up sticking a doe at 30 yds. Arrow went through the deer but did not pass throught. Only the fletchings were sticking out so i thought I had a good hit. The deer was quartering away and the shot was just a tad high.
Needless to say I never found a drop of blood within a 1/4 mile radius of the shot
. Back to the G5’s for me…
November 11, 2008 at 4:00 pm #42649Where you at? It doesn’t look like snow at all here. High light clouds.
I’ve never taken a neck shot with a bow, seems silly with all the bone/cartlidge. Although I have spined a deer right under my stand before. I got lucky and he died right there under the tree. Still I won’t make that same mistake again. Just too risky to waste an animal for.
November 11, 2008 at 4:22 pm #42661Quote:
Where you at? It doesn’t look like snow at all here. High light clouds.
St.Cloud. The roads are white and it’s starting to add up on the grass. But since my last post it has lightened up a lot..
November 11, 2008 at 4:28 pm #42663
have heard of about 5 or 6 deer so far this year now that have been hit with rages and havent been found
I don’t believe you can blame this non find on the broad head. The blame should be on the shot placement instead.
I was the biggest skeptic of mechanicals, until I tried the 3 blade Rage. Everytime I hit the woods I have a Rage on the business end and never been more confident.
November 11, 2008 at 6:04 pm #42676Quote:
I don’t believe you can blame this non find on the broad head. THe blame should be on the shot placement instead.
What if those guys had made a lungs/heart shot
What is the explanation then, bad karma??
November 11, 2008 at 7:03 pm #42682i’m a firm believer in bringing the THUNDER myself. Most importantly is confidence…. bring what you feel most confident in and you will not have problems.
->>>>—–Lung/Lung——> = Good shot
->>>>—–Neck———–> = Bad shotDo the math and you will see your percentages are better w/ shot placement to the vitals.
November 11, 2008 at 8:09 pm #42697Quote:
I don’t believe you can blame this non find on the broad head. The blame should be on the shot placement instead.
What if those guys had made a lungs/heart shot
What is the explanation then, bad karma??
If they made a lung/ heart shot the deer would be dead and we would not be discussing it here. But they didn’t.
He made a neck shot, therefore because he did not hit a surface area about the size of a magic marker (jugular) you blame the broad head?????? Shoot a deer with a field tip through the heart and lungs. I can almost guarantee you will find a dead deer.
The other thing how can one determine the blades did not open up all the way?? After passing through bone, tissue, muscle or what ever then hitting the ground and the blades then looked like they did not open all the way??? Are you sure it did not open fully and then slide back to not fully open after it hit one of many substances it passed through or hit???????? With out seeing the entry or exit wound, I’m not sure how you could make this judgment call of not deploying 100%????? I think one is quick to judge the performance of the broad head with out having or seeing more evidence.
I also agree with Mendota. Mechanicals are mechanical and they can and do fail. IMO people are to quick to blame there equipment, when in truth they are the reason for their own fallure, wheter it be shot placement, shot selection, etc..
November 11, 2008 at 9:57 pm #42718Totallt true about shot placement. The info i used to determine the head did not fully deploy is the blood/tissue on the blades and arrow and the rubberband was only moved a 1/4 inch down the shaft, im pretty sure it should have rolled further than that. As far as blaming the broadhead , why not , it didnt do its job IMO even on a neck shot. I do however believe you should use what you feel confident with and if that happens to be broadheads that dont open so be it. Just messin with all you rage lovers, I know they are great and work well.
November 11, 2008 at 10:00 pm #42720Rubber band???? There should be no Rubber Band or O ring around the blades?????????
November 11, 2008 at 10:55 pm #42727I use Rage 2 blade broadheads. I spined a doe earlier this year and it cut the spine in half along with about 5 ribs on the other side. Needless to say I got her. I had a second doe duck the arrow and I ended up hitting her high. I had hardly any blood so I couldn’t find her. I shot a buck in the ribs and made a pass through shot on him. It looked like someone shook a 2 quart pop bottle full of blood all the way up to the dead buck. It’s all in the placement of the shot. If you miss the vitals with ANY broadhead you might not have a good blood trail or find your deer! You could shoot them in the lungs with a field tip and kill the deer but you might not have much of a blood trail to follow. I like the rage because it opens up on the entry side of the deer and with the lighter carbon arrows it’s necessary to have a large entry hole because there isn’t enough weight (kinetic energy) to always push the arrow through the opposite side of a deer giving you a second hole to bleed out of. That’s why I will continue to use Rage in the future. I like the large entry hole it makes…
November 12, 2008 at 3:39 am #42766Welcome to In-Depth Outdoors Kevin!!!
Awesome buck in your avatar, got a story and more pics to go with it?
November 12, 2008 at 3:52 pm #42793
Are you sure it did not open fully and then slide back to not fully open after it hit one of many substances it passed through or hit???????
I’ve shot 3 deer this year all with Rage 3 blades. None have gone more than 40 yards and I really like the entry wound they leave.
The last deer I shot the arrow passed through the vitals and through the opposite shoulder lodging between the hide and the shoulder. The blades on tip were not fully open when I found the broadhead were it was lodged, but they were definately open when it passed through the vitalsI think an abrupt stop
and the deer running with the broad head lodged in the shoulder caused the blades to close. I have shot deer in the past with other broadheads that I did not recover and it was because I made a bad shot
November 12, 2008 at 8:13 pm #42831Thanks for the welcome! I have a bunch of pics but since I’m new here I’m not sure how to share them.
November 12, 2008 at 8:53 pm #42839Quote:
Thanks for the welcome! I have a bunch of pics but since I’m new here I’m not sure how to share them.
Hi Kevin and welcome to IDO!
Here’s some info. on how to post pics or just send me a message [email protected] if you are struggling.
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November 12, 2008 at 10:32 pm #42849Welcome to the site… show off some pics if you have a chance. always good to see a guy holding some BONE
November 13, 2008 at 12:08 am #42861Quote:
Welcome to the site… show off some pics if you have a chance. always good to see a guy holding some BONE
Personally, I prefer a girl holding some BONE…
November 13, 2008 at 2:03 am #42874My fiance’ and I decided to hunt fairly close to each other on the evening of Oct. 2nd this year. She hunted a stand in the woods where I shot a doe a couple weeks earlier. I decided to use my climber and hunt the field edge near a fresh scrape. Not long after the sun went down this buck showed up in one of my shooting lanes. I knew right away he was a shooter so I got ready. He walked behind some leaves so I drew my bow and when he got in the open I put a Rage in the cage. He ran down the field and entered the woods where my fiance’ entered and she got to see him from the time he disappeared from my sight. I got my cell phone out and texted her. I asked if she saw a buck come her way and said I shot him. She said yes he’s right here in front of me about 40 yards out. I told her to stay put so she doesn’t spook him. She waited until she knew he was done and after what felt like an eternity she told me she was standing over him and he was a dandy! By that time I had everything ready to climb down the tree so I started the LONG climb down. When I reached the ground it took all I had to keep from running to my buck but I kept my composure so I could look COOL in front of my woman. LOL
Posts: 596November 13, 2008 at 3:17 am #42884That isnt crap ive personally shot 4 does right in the vitals and since I shoot my drenlin at the minimal weight,I have’nt had a passthrough yet, and with only one hole in the deer and a very high shootin angle from above,yes I have freddie crouger blood trail for 50yds ,but since they dont pass through the cavity just fills up with blood.I have also had very bad luck in situations where people or tractors or coyots havnt let these deer lay down,which is very critical when you dont have a passthrough shot and the deer does a death run,I will never use a rage ever again and will go back to any 3 piece broad head ,which I did switch back to and the very first doe that came by got smoked, it ran 25yds and that was it.well as for me rage is all hipe.It does have a great entry hole and thats about it…by the way last year I shot around 5 or 6 deer including the one In my pic and did not wound any and I used three piece fixed broadheads I also put in many many hrs looking for all these does and didnt recover any of them even days later and ive still never bumped into any carcus,all these shots wher under 15yds believe it or not so if your thinking about buying rages think again..
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