Man am I bummed tonight !!!! PLEASE HELP ME OUT!!

  • troy_vinson
    South Beloit ,Illinois
    Posts: 136

    I shot a management buck tonight at 6 yards. I had seen this buck four days in a row and noticed signs of possible CWD. This deer was actually walking in circles even tonight when I shot. After i shot him he stumbled numerous times into the heavy brush then back out into the wheat field. Until it got too dark to see where exactly he went into the timber. Well I retreived my arrow and I got incredible blood up and down the arrow. Plus I got this pasty stuff that looks to me like lung tissue. It smells like blood no stomach acid at all. I started tracking this deer about two hours after I shot. I found a spattered blood trail for fifty yards and then nothing. This is frustrating and bumming me out because I have to goto work tommorrow in Milwaukee. I have two buddies going out to look for me first thing in the morning. But I wanted to ask all of you guys for your opinion of what the heck is on this arrow. I am hoping this was a lung shot.Thats where i saw the easton tracer noc hit. What do you think? I am hoping to get some sleep over this. otherwise i will probably take the day off. I gotta do the right thing.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I can’t tell for sure, maybe some of the others guys can. Lung tissue is on the lighter side of red twards a pink. Is there CWD in your area? If there is and he was walking in circles I wouldn’t worry about it too much, the coyotes will clean it up. If he was walking in circles like it could be sick I forsure wouldn’t eat it anyway no matter whats wrong with it, don’t take the chance, let nature clean it up.

    Posts: 11

    What was the initial reaction of this buck? DId he bolt, or hunch or maybe a mule kick?

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    if he was stumbling, maybe that is a sign of a broken shoulder…up and down was good, just left or right depending on what side you shot him on. High in the shoulder possibly??

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    That looks like the shot was just a little to far back. I am guessing you got one lung base and a gut shot. That is a dead deer but can be hard to track when they run….and they do run.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    I could be wrong but those little circles sure as heck look like bubbles to me.. Was he broadside or quartering one way or another? If you clipped one lung he could go a little further but both i wouldnt expect him to go too far…With that said I had a buddy cork a buck this weekend with his rifle and it was a confirmed double lung..He went 250 yars and finally tipped. I know it sounds odd but he did make it that far.

    Good luck finding it!

    Posts: 1009

    I have to agree with Scott stiel!

    dont look like any bubbles but it looks a lot like guts!

    Deer is dead lot of the blood will most likely fill inside the deer! make some big circles and look along the creek bottoms if any are near!

    Good luck!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Thats what initially thought too, a gut shot, dark red bubbles and resembling a liver or intestine hit.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Is that a chunk of something on the arrow or just hair? But that sure looks like bubbles to me.. maybe he clipped one lung and guts,,if it was quartering away?>??

    South Beloit ,Illinois
    Posts: 136

    found him in the middle of our bare 110 acre field. it was a lung shot. Unfortunately the coyotes and the crows ate him for an early breakfast. I was hoping to get a test done to see if he was cwd deer or other disease.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    good deal man way to stick with it

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    Glad you found him. Post a pic for us if you have one.

    Trempealeau County, WI
    Posts: 424

    Good job on finding your deer – persistance pays off eh!?! This happened to me once a few years back. The crows helped me find my doe the morning after the shot!

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