Nov 7th Deer Rut Report E,Central Iowa

  • thewild001
    Posts: 29

    Well so far I have seen lots of scrapes mostly small, but I did see one giant scrape on a 9″rd tree,lots of small bucks chasing does to the point where the does would run and lay down and hide ,then after the bucks would find them they would go exactly where the does wher laying and ck the scent,then off on the scent trail they would go anyways its still a little early for the big boys,but with these falling temps it should kick into gear any day now.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    As of a couple days ago I seen the same thing. I did see most scrapes were still small but did have a couple that were about 4′ across. Alot more rubs then last week and more movement, since the corns been out where im hunting. As of about 10 days ago most were in the corn, now thier in other cover, its getting close for the bigger guys.

    Posts: 29

    Yea they still have a crap load of corn to get out wher we are hunting also,but the bucks wher tearing up those freshly dropped white oak leaves,it was funny they would have a huge mouth full to the point that they wher hanging way out it would of been a cool picture.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Thanks for the report Wildone!

    Keep us updated from the IOWA side!

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