Next to your weapon??
Grunt call. I’ve walked to my stand, and back to the truck to get it. I know it’s the obvious but I feel like I’m naked int he lunchroom with out it!
This is a great topic however,,,I was in Ripley this year and had a backpack, fanny pack,, bow, stand, etc.. I was so drained at the end of the weekend and asked my buddy how the heck we got away with just our bow and fingertab back in the day. I think a lot of crap we bring out there is overkill and is a dirrect relation to how the hunting industry has made leaps and bounds the past 10 years! Do i really need binocs when bow hunting?? Seriously,,if i can’t see it at 40 yards I should be watching football from the couch. But sure nuf’ there they hung off my chest all weekend.