must have?

  • broncosguy
    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    ok this is more for me but also for others. when you are out deer hunting. what must you have to get through the hunting day, what is over kill and what you take out for field dressing the deer besides the normal to help your process easier.


    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Next to your weapon??

    Grunt call. I’ve walked to my stand, and back to the truck to get it. I know it’s the obvious but I feel like I’m naked int he lunchroom with out it!

    This is a great topic however,,,I was in Ripley this year and had a backpack, fanny pack,, bow, stand, etc.. I was so drained at the end of the weekend and asked my buddy how the heck we got away with just our bow and fingertab back in the day. I think a lot of crap we bring out there is overkill and is a dirrect relation to how the hunting industry has made leaps and bounds the past 10 years! Do i really need binocs when bow hunting?? Seriously,,if i can’t see it at 40 yards I should be watching football from the couch. But sure nuf’ there they hung off my chest all weekend.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    here is just what I can think of that my mind has ran across. granted teh truck will be full of everything and the kitchen sink as staying at my uncles and walking 10 minutes to the stand. .

    Gun and bullets of course
    bleet can
    drip bag – refill
    chair for ground or in stand
    buck knife
    marking tape
    drag rope


    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    I will add flashlight to that one.. on evening hunts with a mile walk.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22926

    I bring all that plus a knife, camera, water, 2 grunt tubes, the cough silencer(does everybody elses throat get dry when your trying not to breathe because Mr Big is around ? ) rattle bag, binocs/slughunting(so I can check out the racks, sometimes they are at 200 yards) and granola bars.

    big G

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 214

    A one litre bottle of Diet Mtn Dew for my “coffee break”…..which also serves for a place to “put” it after it runs through my system.

    Oh, and a couple of those little video games…put them on mute, and makes the time go bye.

    These are some of those “Extra” things, barring the obvious.

    A little digital camera. I tend to take more pictures/video of deer than shoot them.

    Oh, and left over Halloween candy the kids pack for me…woo hoo!!

    North Metro, MN
    Posts: 143

    Beside the stuff already mentioned, I also always make sure that I have my compass. Never know when you’re going to have to track one. I’ve hunted the same woods for almost 20 years, but still manage to get turned around from time to time.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Gun n Ammo
    Uncle Henry Pocket Knife
    Grunt tube n Bleet can
    Digital Camera
    Drag rope
    2 Compasses n GPS
    Zip Tie for Tagging
    Compact Binoculars
    Range Finder
    Water proof matches and steel wool pad
    Zip loc bag of trail mix
    2 bottles of water
    5-8 sheets paper towel

    Load it up in the back pack and pockets, then it is time for a hike

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    i have a bow vest so it carries a TON OF STUFF!!!

    the can
    grunt call
    range finder
    2 bottles of BF Synthetics

    I dont carry zip ties or a knife because i always go home after i shoot something. Time goes by fast when i do this and i force myself to not push a deer unless i heard it crash plus i gather up either a tracking team or one other person

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    WOW is all I have to say. I guess I’m old fashioned, but I just carry my weapon, a few extra rounds, a grunt call and my instinct. Oh, and my lucky rabbit’s foot that I found shed hunting. You can’t forget to smell the fresh air!

    Le Center
    Posts: 612

    Lets use Ripley as an example
    Bow, arrows, and release.
    Stand, strapped to my back
    Packpack strapped to stand
    Enough screw in steps to reach half way to the moon
    Rope to haul stuff half way to the moon
    Saftey harness(incase the stand can’t hold all this junk)
    Screw in arm to hold Bow
    Deer calls
    Extra jacket, hat and gloves
    T.P. and scentfree wipes (never know when ya might get some on your hands)
    Radio to call partner if I forgot something
    Phone (just in case partner forgot radio)
    Extra Batteries for above, and heated socks)
    Rattling horns
    I think thats about it
    No, I don’t bring anything more than I need

    Oh yea forgot the Doe in heat.

    Posts: 29

    A very sharp Knife,Saw,Hat Light.And a Stinger Rechargable Flash Light,there is no better flash light then a Stinger.Field gloves are nice,a little medic kit and a good lighter may also come in handy,it would’ve for me.Oh dont forget about a little drag line,also something for marking the blood trail,some string or tape whatever you prefer.thats about minimim as I can think of.And your Tags,oh crap dont forget your Rangefinder.

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